Example sentences of "[noun sg] while keeping " in BNC.

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1 Inserts are a useful means of cutting away from the main subject to some subsidiary action while keeping the original sound going under the insert .
2 The money was raised by once again ‘ doing your own thing ’ — through rallies , cheese-and-wine or supper parties , raffles , bring-and-buy sales and book-sales — all bringing fun and pleasure while keeping the cash flowing in .
3 What so many people still do is bend from the waist while keeping their legs straight .
4 Although ‘ teleworking ’ might be considered to be an old idea — anyone who has done the odd bit of paperwork at home while keeping in touch with the office by telephone can be said to have been doing it — the opportunity to have computer-aided design , back-office and data entry work carried out full-time away from the office has widened immeasurably .
5 Leftwing rebels in El Salvador held an American civilian overnight and lectured him on US intervention while keeping his thumbs tied behind his back before letting him go , the US Embassy said yesterday .
6 Leftwing rebels in El Salvador held an American civilian overnight and lectured him on US intervention while keeping his thumbs tied behind his back before letting him go , the US Embassy said yesterday .
7 Our orders were to keep a low profile while keeping watch on the yacht which we did for about twenty four hours .
8 Even so , many an intrepid user carted one from pillar to post while keeping an eye out for a mains socket .
9 If one wished to do so , one could sign up for the directive while keeping the 1908 legislation in force .
10 But this time , faced with an orchestra which apparently was at first slow to respond to his blandishments , the musician took priority over the Mahlerian moraliser and he revealed many details and subtleties of the score while keeping its huge overall span firmly within his sights .
11 I am constantly ‘ working ’ with my second rod while keeping a watchful eye on my other rod which is cast into the hotspot .
12 This is because the time and preparation needed to achieve the perfect finish can not compete with the sophistication of modern moulding manufacturing processes , which have improved the standard of mass-produced leafing while keeping the cost of the finished mouldings at a realistic level .
13 A neurone or nerve cell , like all other cells , has a semi-permeable membrane which allows some substances to enter its cytoplasm while keeping others out .
14 As she was already walking , she did more work in standing than she otherwise would have , to promote the feeling of taking weight through her left leg while keeping her spasticity under control .
15 LIFESPAN 's Offline system provides a method of freeing online space while keeping information secure yet easily accessible , by transferring modules to suitable offline media .
16 As debt is a major obstacle to economic growth , debtor countries can not develop to their full potential while keeping paying such massive foreign debts .
17 In the West , the notion of freedom seeks to increase the potential for action in the outer world while keeping the inner state as constant , and rational , as possible .
18 The intention — set out in Plan for Action — was to increase consultant numbers by 2.8% a year while keeping constant the number of senior registrars and reducing modestly the number of career registrars .
19 George McMillan , chairman of the district council , said that the budget would produce ‘ a measure of growth for next year while keeping the council within the Secretary of State 's capping limits . ’
20 The body design displaying the greatest visual flair while keeping abreast of current aerodynamic and construction standards
21 Pump petrol is also said not to be favoured by oil companies ; instead , they prefer toxic additives to exotic petrochemical cocktails to give their teams power while keeping inside the 101 RON limits .
22 The exercise is made harder by placing the arms wider apart on the table , and then by asking the patient to move the unaffected arm while keeping the hemiplegic hand still and relaxed in its position .
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