Example sentences of "[noun sg] how strong " in BNC.

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1 Because the reasons against the acceptance of authority vary it is not possible to discover in advance how strong the reasons for acceptance of the authority need be to be sufficient .
2 Another wise investment is a life-jacket , for no matter how strong a swimmer you may be you can not swim if you are well wrapped up against the cold .
3 No matter how strong the historical evidence for the resurrection , we shall never accept it .
4 Professionals and voluntary workers need to be aware of these needs , although equally they should be aware of the vulnerability of people with mental disorders and should resist any temptation to proselytize or advocate a particular religion or sect , no matter how strong their own spiritual beliefs .
5 For the first time she began to wonder if she 'd been foolhardy — no matter how strong her desire to get away , she should n't have put her own safety at risk .
6 Thousands of people will be effectively priced out of the system , no matter how strong their cases may appear .
7 We now understand in a general way how strong any particular solid ought to be and why it falls short of that strength in practice .
8 Warps in space time and black holes are now the stuff of science fiction ; this assimilation into popular literature shows in one way how strong the impact of Einstein 's ideas has been .
9 But he had no idea how strong his back-up might be .
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