Example sentences of "[noun sg] would like " in BNC.

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1 The Soil Association , British Organic Farmers and the Organic Growers Association would like to see organic farming given the type of financial assistance that conventional farming receives from the Government .
2 The association would like to see minimum standards for visiting managers ' accommodation on the sides of pitches .
3 The ICAS Lanarkshire association would like to hear from members who wish to attend its first annual dinner which is to be held at the Silvertrees Hotel in Bothwell on Friday 29 October 1993 at 7 for 7.30pm .
4 Each side would like mutual disarmament , but will be deterred from making any move in that direction by the belief that the other side would cheat , and thereby gain an arms advantage .
5 Ministers may try to make a statement ( they secure this every Thursday with the weekly business statement ) ; the Opposition may seek to have a Private Notice Question ; the Government prefer to have a debate on a Government motion or bill ; the Opposition would like to have an Opposition Day when it opens the debate ; and backbenchers seek to get in with points of order and applications for emergency debates .
6 Those examples show , by clear implication , that those other Governments , who call themselves socialist and pursue policies similar to those which the Opposition would like to pursue , all have the same result .
7 As a little afterthought , if anyone one would like to know what is on my Christmas list — please tell that Mummy would like a LIE-IN !
8 For mummy 's birthday mummy would like one a gold locket with a strong chain .
9 I do n't think mummy would like that you know
10 Yet it is precisely that kind of issue that the coalition would like addressed in a coherent and collaborative fashion .
11 and that er , you know , has lead to a lot of misery in some cases , er , also I mean there 's question of viability of our own scheme and I er , think er you know , er there are a number of questions which I as a lay-man would like to be , you know , I think the seminar is probably the right to do that .
12 She is telling the viewers that the fuzz would like to talk to me ‘ in connection with the death of ex-Detective Sergeant Casey at Balham underground station last night .
13 This means that , in translation , grammar often has the effect of a straitjacket , forcing the translator along a certain course which may or may not follow that of the source text as closely as the translator would like it to .
14 That apart , the figures from the 15 largest privatisations since 1981 and the two public sale-like floats — TSB and Abbey National — also tell a different story from the image which the proponents of the programme would like us to believe .
15 The figures from the 15 largest privatisations since 1981 and the two public sale-like floats — TSB and Abbey National — tell a different story from the one which the proponents of the programme would like us to believe .
16 Christian Aid would like to work more in partnership with other agencies .
17 Daedalus would like to do the same thing for human senses , and DREADCO chemists are now at work on his ‘ contrast-exalting spectacles ’ or ‘ Cexspex ’ ( Regd. ) make of a cunning tinted glass .
18 DRUGS ARE not quite as ‘ scientific ’ as the pharmaceuticals industry would like us to believe .
19 When the Council of Energy Ministers meets with those proposals before it , Opposition Members and the British coal industry would like to know what attitude Britain 's representatives will adopt .
20 Some in the forestry industry would like to see tax regulations used to encourage individuals to invest in tree planting , through vehicles such as unit trusts .
21 Pesh Framjee would like to see ‘ incorporated charities taken out of the Companies Act and only reporting under the Charities Act , or if that is not possible have them report under both .
22 ‘ There are no trains Eastbound on the Central Line until further notice , this is due to inaudible inaudible London Underground would like to apologise for any inconvenience .
23 I 'm sure there must be things that your institution would like your council to be doing but which your council is n't doing .
24 Now we will run out of trays so if the people who have n't got a tray would like to go on .
25 Quate would like to see the SAM used to watch polymer chains in rubber as they stretch and bounce back .
26 Photographed in and around Charingworth Manor , nearing Chipping Campden in Gloucestershire ; Country Living would like to thank the hotel for their help in compiling this feature .
27 The administration would like more states to follow California 's lead in allowing electricity companies to reap profits from their customers ' investments in conservation .
28 Certainly , the new administration would like to lower French interest rates , following the lead given by the Germans last week .
29 That 's what the work force would like as rewards for the desired behaviour , was consumer durables .
30 For this reason , says the head of a big aid agency in Kampala , the constituent assembly may try to force political pluralism through sooner than the president would like .
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