Example sentences of "[noun sg] and around " in BNC.

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1 Threadworms live in the bowel and around the bottom .
2 No matter how much we do in developing our own media projects in this continent and around the world , we will still only be one small voice in the vast ocean of communication media .
3 An appreciation of strong as well as subtle contrast is important , however : the brilliant effects of the predominantly geometric mosaics at Silchester , Hants. , or the famous millefiori effects at the neck and around the bodies of canthari ( e.g. Neal 1981 , no. 16 ) are notable .
4 At the corners of his mouth and around his eyes Polly saw echoes of her own strain .
5 Stella moved , and as the light caught her Merrill noticed that on the fine tanned skin there was an etching of small lines at the corners of her mouth and around her eyes , but she was still a very beautiful woman .
6 Braid should also be used around the top and bottom of the fabric and around doors and windows .
7 It needed to be , too , for much of the time she was pushing her way through undergrowth and around patches of thicket too dense for them to penetrate .
8 There was plenty of work for us at Lerwick harbour and around Bressay Sound at the new oil bases , some of which were already operating .
9 Crouching behind some railway trucks the commandos formed a tiny perimeter facing the Old Mole 's landward side and around the buildings just south of the Entrance .
10 Most of the lunar highlands are close to being saturated with impact craters , notably on most of the far side and around the south pole ( Figure 6.1 ) .
11 Spiny lobsters spawn on the coral reefs off the Florida coast and around the Bahamas .
12 He moved down the corridor and around the corner , where two more armed guards stood , alert , against either wall .
13 The fifth wave , the one which it is hypothesized is starting now , seems likely to be based in the non-industrial parts of the south and east of England , especially the M4 corridor and around Cambridge .
14 So an information-based business must be structured around goals that clearly state management 's performance expectations for the enterprise and for each part and specialist and around organized feedback that compares results with these performance expectations so that every member can exercise self-control .
15 All around my intestines , my kidney , liver and around the prostate .
16 Coles recorded 11 pars , six birdies and just one bogey and was in immaculate form from tee and fairway and around the greens .
17 It is normally the central point of a home and around it gather the family as we meet for fellowship , fun and general chit-chat .
18 keeping you up to date with what 's happening at home and around the world .
19 He looked at his watch and around him .
20 The Anaglypta range includes borders in both vinyl and ‘ Original ’ types , which can be used under a cornice or picture rail , as a dado to divide two different papers , above a skirting and around a doorframe to ‘ frame ’ a wall , or around a window .
21 This could be continued down corners to the skirting and around doors .
22 Wild camping in the forest is prohibited but numerous organised sites are available both within the park and around the edges .
23 From here you go on to reach Breydon Water local nature reserve via the Fritton Lake Country Park and around the walls of Gariannonum — the best preserved Roman monument in the Norfolk .
24 Magnified as much by his fever as by the brass telescope to his eye , he saw Hookum Singh , a giant Sikh capable of carrying a barrel of powder on his back , stagger after Harry Dunstaple , emptying the powder in piles at the corners of the Cutcherry building and around pillars and supports .
25 There is rich golden pigmentation in the ears and skin and around the eyes ; the muzzle is buff , the hoofs amber and the coat shades of fawn with or without white markings over a thin , loose hide .
26 This deals with , among other things , a pantomime put on by the Ralph Gardner High School called Thatcherella , children playing in the streets in front of a burn-out shop and around burnt-out cars , as well as those who queued up to help lessen the EC Butter mountain .
27 The touching up had been well managed but elsewhere there remained a few patches of exposed metal requiring attention — just above the bumper on the front offside wing , inside the wheelarch of the same wing and around the radiator duct .
28 At first sight , apart from a couple of interesting narrow limestone ridges in the Winnats Pass , the reef hills of the upper Dove and some broken buttresses on Mam tor and around Kinder downfall , the area may seem to offer little to whet the appetite of competent scramblers .
29 There must , he thought , be thousands of these small attendants , waiters , scullions , masons , miners , mechanics and general helpers and dogsbodies in the place and around it ; he knew something about provisioning and logistics , and the castle 's kitchens could have provided ten-course meals every few hours for an army of tens of thousands .
30 Well just that the words go down on paper , they seem to come alive within his imagination and around the room .
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