Example sentences of "[noun sg] of teachers " in BNC.

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1 College lecturers have voted overwhelmingly for a one-day strike and a total ban on flexible working over pay , the National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education announced yesterday .
2 The National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education , which represents staff in both sectors , last night rejected an improved offer for further education staff and decided to go ahead with a one-day strike tommorrow and to begin boycotts of marking and examination setting .
3 Included in a report of a National Association of Teachers of Drama conference ( 1981 ) there is a detailed account and analysis of a lesson with a group of young adolescents on the subject of a holy community living in twelfth-century Durham Cathedral .
4 MPs had been pressing for an enquiry following the publication of a damning report on the state of school discipline by the Professional Association of Teachers in 1987 , which was given prominent coverage in the press .
5 According to the Professional Association of Teachers , false accusations have become a ‘ devastating problem ’ .
6 Criticism in the 1893 Act regarding the poor status and qualifications of teachers of the deaf led — in 1895 — to the formation of the National Association of Teachers of the Deaf .
7 National Association of Teachers of the Deaf , 1895
8 In 1976 , the N.C.T.D. re-formed itself to become the British Association of Teachers of the Deaf ( B.A.T.O.D. )
9 This helped my Group when we set about persuading the teaching profession , represented mainly by the National Association of Teachers of English , to accept our recommendations .
10 The 40,000-strong Professional Association of Teachers , which has pledged never to strike , wants a deal that no teacher can be forced to take classes of more than 30 unless they agree .
11 Similar ceremonies throughout the county went off without a hitch because a strike threatened by the National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education was called off .
12 Dept. , Convocation and alumni to learn that I have been elected Vice-President of the National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education .
13 As Secretary of the Manchester branch of the Association of Teachers of German , he had played a prominent role in attracting the Goethe Institute to Manchester .
14 Although his faith in the combined system was not shared during his lifetime by the majority of his fellow teachers in Great Britain , he was nevertheless held in great respect , and the editorship of the journal of the British Association of Teachers of the Deaf — The Teacher of the Deaf — was entrusted to him for many years .
15 The Association of Teachers of Italian attempts to balance the events which it organises between serving the needs of foreign language and community language teachers .
16 This is the view cogently expressed by David Holbrook and it had many supporters among numbers in the National Association of Teachers of English .
17 The lower tier would be known as the Board for Local Authority Higher Education , its membership consisting of Christopher Ball as Chairman ; six representatives of local authorities ; six from the DES ; six from institutions , made up of two from the Committee of Directors of Polytechnics , two from the National Association of Teachers of Further and Higher Education , one from the Association of Principals of Colleges , and one from the Standing Conference of Principals and Directors of Colleges and Institutes of Higher Education ; and three others , consisting of one from the Trades Union Congress , one from the Council of National Academic Awards , and one jointly from the Business and Technician Education Councils .
18 Professional Association of Teachers sessions and teacher workshops .
19 That proposition was suddenly launched from nowhere on 30 July 1991 at a curious press conference which the Secretary of State gave in the Adelphi hotel , Liverpool outside a meeting of the Professional Association of Teachers .
20 I should make it clear at the outset that I act as a parliamentary consultant to the Professional Association of Teachers and that much of what I shall say tonight will be based on the practical experience of PAT members .
21 The Professional Association of Teachers has produced details of a particularly disturbing case in which a teacher in the independent sector was summarily dismissed very rapidly after making serious allegations against a colleague .
22 A seminar tonight held by Belfast educational psychologists Mary Blease and Bridgeen O'Neill is the first in a series of measures by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers to help their members cope .
23 Rosemary Rainey , Press officer for the Association of Teachers and Lecturers , said : ‘ There is growing evidence of a gang mentality among the young .
24 David Triesman , of the National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education , made it clear that his association was as interested in quality as the banks and students .
25 There is little doubt also that within the DES the binary solution had been canvassed for some time , and throughout the life of the Robbins Committee interest in it was being shown in the Association of Teachers in Technical Institutes and elsewhere .
26 Even where the binary policy was welcomed — for instance in the Association of Teachers in Technical Institutes ( ATTI ) and the local authorities — there were often reservations , either about the rigidity of the binary boundary , or about the possibility of the ‘ public sector ’ acquiring sufficient resources or status .
27 The majority of members of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers have voted to take industrial action over their workload .
28 Almost all schools are expected to abandon the tests in the face of the boycott by members of the National Association of Schoolmasters-Union of Women Teachers , National Union of Teachers and Association of Teachers and Lecturers .
29 Members of the National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education at Scarborough technical College are staging a day of action this week over the new Further Education Bill .
30 In a separate development , the Professional Association of Teachers in England claimed the games were affecting the social and educational development of children .
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