Example sentences of "[noun sg] largely [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Labour has rejected the idea of a carbon tax and seems to intend to achieve the cut largely through controls on the use of cars and through implementing a public transport drive .
2 The contribution of different types of gender division to economic ‘ growth ’ or ‘ recession ’ does not , I would claim , figure largely in economics textbooks .
3 Further , whatever legal rules do exist deal largely with the conventional medical-legal issues of acute and emergency treatment and with malpractice .
4 But the old false syllogism , " English Literature is printed in books : books are in libraries : therefore the English teacher should be the school librarian " , overlooks those sections of the stock that are scientific or concern number , those sections of the stock that are not in English at all , and those sections of the stock largely in pictorial form — quite apart from the service of the library to history , geography , sociology , crafts , and other subject departments , and the usefulness of non-book formats to all comers .
5 The collapse of thinking about social policy in Britain , a result largely of the failure of the Labour party to develop new policies and not to defend adequately basic principles and institutions , created a vacuum into which right-wing ideas flooded .
6 The sulphuric acid is probably the result largely of chemical reactions between H 2 O and SO 2 high in the atmosphere above the haze and clouds , reactions aided by solar uv radiation and by the low temperatures .
7 Otherwise , the design of the curriculum was left formally to local education authorities , and in practice largely to head teachers — in association with governors after the 1986 Education Act ( see Chapter 4 ) .
8 Tisane , like tilleul , was in Frederica 's vocabulary , the word , not the thing , but it was some time yet before she would understand their connection with Proust , who had entered her consciousness largely through a striking nightmare , dreamed the night before her Oxford entrance examination , which she recalled , as M. Grimaud talked and the scented trees brushed past .
9 From Moana we went down to Hokitika on the Coast , a town which now makes its living largely from the sale of bone and greenstone carving , of high quality and quite reasonable prices .
10 These increasingly stringent financial targets , together with the need to finance investment largely from internal sources , have made the railway administrations look for ways to cut costs and increase efficiency .
11 Since the western part of the Sunda Arc is located on the edge of a block of continental crust ( at present largely below sea level ) it is a continental-margin island arc rather than an intra-oceanic island arc .
12 The anticipated strong showing for candidates affiliated to the nationalist Moldavian Popular Front appeared to have been matched by an equally strong showing for the rival Yedinstvo ( " Unity " ) movement , drawing its support largely from the Russian and Ukrainian minority communities .
13 Chatichai Choonhaven [ see p. 39007 ] , drawing its support largely from Chart Thai ( Chatichai 's old party ) and from Sammakkhi Tham , the air force 's protégé party which had won the largest number of seats ( 79 ) in the March election , but disintegrated with the collapse of the Suchinda government .
14 The remains of this fortified residence , belonging to the bishops of St Davids , was build largely between the late 13th and 15th centuries .
15 The discussion has several times strayed into semiological terminology and it has taken the nature of ideology largely for granted ; both signification and ideology in popular music demand detailed study .
16 The European Community ( EC ) , for example , actually came into existence largely through an acute perception of French national interests by Jean Monnet , who was mainly responsible for creating the European Coal and Steel Community — the precursor of the Common Market — as a means of protecting French industry and especially French steel makers from their more efficient German competitors ; and it is widely recognized at the present time that national interests continue to play a major part in the debates and decisions of the Community .
17 Although Duncan and Goodwin develop a particular analysis of local government which explains its existence largely in terms of uneven development and the representation of differentiated local social relations ( discussed extensively in Mark Goodwin 's chapter which follows ) , their conclusions here would have been shared far more widely both by academics in the field of local government studies and by many local government politicians ( such as Blunkett and Jackson , 1987 ) .
18 There the officer class , which consisted at the regimental level largely of provincial nobles with a well-developed military tradition , showed itself increasingly hostile to the purchase of commissions by rich bourgeois , even if recently ennobled , and to the invasion of the army by the power of money .
19 The NRA account for the overall rise largely in terms of growing public awareness of water pollution , and the presence of the NRA as an agency actively concerned with it .
20 The difficulties of supervision stem largely from the detailed nature of book provision work .
21 As an economic concept , its fortunes have waxed and waned in response largely to the demand for labour by industry and the availability of labour reserves in the general population .
22 Lyfing of Crediton doubtless owed his advancement largely to the influence of his uncle Brihtwold of Cornwall and to his own services to Cnut during the 1027 pilgrimage to Rome .
23 The melody of the Adagio from Dvořák 's ‘ New World ’ Symphony owes its air of peace largely to the static harmony , which begins to move beat by beat only when there is a climax .
24 The other part of the gallery traces the development of the three great religions of India Buddhism , Hinduism and Jainism largely through sculpture , in which the British Museum is particularly strong .
25 Psychology confines its accounts of socialization largely to interpersonal interactions , and , in the 1960s , concentrated on the primary carer .
26 Use of the single stroke was limited to specific circumstances not all of which signified gracing , while the double stroke constituted a sign of embellishment largely at the discretion of the player — a discretion tempered by harmonic and rhythmic context and , it is to be hoped , good taste .
27 Although we might try to decision method , the overall stress of the Secretary of State 's decision methods , as they affect North Yorkshire , is that there must be some limit er to migration largely for environmental considerations and indeed , the panel in nineteen eighty seven were very concerned that er migration would not be slowed quickly enough er in North Yorkshire .
28 His ideas derived partly from his youthful reading of Greek literature , hut largely from his studies of Greek statuary — or , in most cases , later copies of Greek statuary — in Germany and Rome .
29 Well , as a chemist perhaps you 'll forgive me for dwelling largely on what we as chemists do , but of course it 's not only the chemists in the School of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences who do things for schools — it 's right across the area — but each year , for example , we have a week set aside for sixth form visits , in which parties of sixth formers come to the School and we 're about to talk to them about university entrance , about what goes on in universities , but , most importantly , to show them some of the apparatus which they do n't have at school but which they 've probably heard about .
30 Indeed , Franco envisaged the war largely as a matter of internal order , in which the Armed Forces played the role of policeman : " The defence of internal peace and order constitutes the sacred mission of a nation 's Armed Forces and this is the mission we have carried out . "
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