Example sentences of "[noun sg] [was/were] behind " in BNC.

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1 Sainsbury maintains tight control of costs and benefits from its large investment programme were behind its success with capital expenditure expected to reach £800m by the end of the year .
2 Such thinking was behind the absurd argument that the police should be restrained from giving hot pursuit to stolen cars , and it also lay behind much of the nit-picking objection to the Bill that we heard from the right hon. Member for Sparkbrook .
3 This was used as a bacon store by Sainsbury 's , grocery wholesalers whose main warehouse was behind The Crystal Fountain in Milford Street and who ran a fleet of chain driven lorries .
4 It was not until many years after the whole Jean-Claude episode was behind me that I realized the extent to which my physical appearance had dictated the terms of my life in Paris .
5 This uncertainty was behind much of yesterday 's fall against the mark .
6 I mean , we all knew that only the Lorrimores ’ car was behind the dome car .
7 The green car was behind them on the pier , in the third line of queuing cars .
8 But the enemy was behind them .
9 Unfortunately during the photo session the light was behind her and made her cotton skirt seem see-through , revealing her legs to the world .
10 The main light was behind him , but I could still see the shadows on his face ; they were more marked than ever , and I had the foolish illusion that I could remove them by stroking them with the tips of my fingers .
11 The light was behind him and Melanie could not see his face ; besides– Finn walked before her up the stairs .
12 Donaldson was n't too happy about his placing in the room — the light was behind him and against Mrs Balanchine , the complete opposite of the ideal — but they would probably manage .
13 He was nearing her , his face almost invisible because the light was behind him .
14 The whole carriage was behind Judi .
15 The wind was behind her now , blowing her hair forward , so that she could not see properly unless she pushed it to one side .
16 They hurried across the plateau , afraid of being caught on the forest path after dark , glad that the wind was behind them , billowing out their skirts and propelling them forward on legs that ran involuntarily .
17 When he stormed in the door it was as if a gale of wind was behind him , and he shouted his wife 's name at the top of his voice .
18 But the wind was behind me and each wave picked up the boat and surged her ahead , so that I tied up at the pier some fifteen hours after I had left , a little tired but satisfied that another small gap in our knowledge of birds had been filled .
19 At last the wind was behind them .
20 The sun was behind him and she could see the glare that shone on his bald pate .
21 His extensive notes explains how he would calculate the exposure based on a proportion of the time being given when the sun was behind a cloud , with the balance being given as the sun emerged .
22 After a while , though , dismissing her memories , Ruth began to like it ; the sun was behind the mist , turning it into a glimmery silver haze ; and at least it was a different sort of weather .
23 His extensive notes explain how he would calculate the exposure based on a proportion of the time being given when the sun was behind a cloud , with the balance being given as the sun emerged .
24 The slanting sun was behind her , and as she stood there in the doorway he could see the outline of those smooth , slim thighs through the fine fabric .
25 All she knew was that the vehicle was behind her now .
26 Miss Honey was walking slowly so that the small child could keep up with her without trotting too fast , and it was very peaceful out there on the narrow road now that the village was behind them .
27 His best scientific work was behind him .
28 Repeated suggestions that the Mafia was behind extortion rackets on the island , sheltering behind Italian business investments , were reported to have prompted a declaration by the separatist National Front for the Liberation of Corsica ( FNLC ) that it would in future " intervene militarily " to halt Mafia activity .
29 The hot green South was behind me now ; there were no more palm trees , and the land had turned a wintry brown .
30 Perhaps the Rent Act was behind it .
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