Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] becomes " in BNC.

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1 If by next spring he becomes this country 's first heavyweight holder for nearly 100 years , he intends to make the challengers come to him .
2 When we consider the essential role of susceptibility it becomes plain that the people who caught a cold in the bus were ‘ ill ’ before they ever stepped onto it , for if they had been healthy they would never have picked up the bugs in the first place .
3 Should the ego fail to satisfy the id it becomes prey to neurotic anxiety arising out of the strength of its instinctual drives ; if it fails the superego it is subject to moral anxiety ; and if it can not meet the demands of the outside world it is likely to experience realistic anxiety .
4 Suppose that in the future it becomes possible to predict others ' behaviour more efficiently by observation and computation than by the always hazardous venture of trying to fathom the mysteries of the human heart .
5 Though all this may sound complicated , after the first year 's practice it becomes merely routine .
6 In effect it becomes a reflection of an almost puritanical social containment of the individual , with metaphoric import as a statement of correctness for the society outside .
7 You can kiss a friend on the lips , but if you put your tongue in her mouth it becomes something else .
8 In essence it becomes a matrix of connected businesses that normally have much weaker direction from the corporate centre than a Stage 2 company .
9 When he moves to the bar he becomes suspicious of a character in the shadows and says ‘ I 'm afraid I 'm going to have to ask you to accompany me . ’
10 So for the animal-watcher it becomes a challenge , with every brightly coloured species encountered , to find out what particular advantage there is in giving up the quiet life and facing daily exposure .
11 In the culture in which he specializes the anthropologist is admirably sociological ; but as soon as he steps outside it to engage in comparative studies and generalization he becomes paradoxically culture-bound , unwittingly taking unique cultural forms as universal facts .
12 There may be a case for replacing her with someone else later , having a series of nurses rather than a permanent one , in case she becomes overemotionally involved .
13 Entirely encased in a latex bodysuit she becomes anonymous , even androgynous .
14 The moment it becomes unprofitable to do so , there is no doubt in my mind that the tree-farmers will abandon these forests .
15 sodium it becomes a chloride .
16 At that point he becomes marginally important to my future , and I might just make out a client sheet for him .
17 Once public debate is permitted in the election period it becomes hard to prohibit it at other times .
18 All of a sudden it becomes frighteningly clear why over 40 per cent of the New Hampshire electorate were keen to see Pat Buchanan in the White House .
19 She has no sense of her own sexuality — which stimulates the clerk — or of the value of her sexuality : though promised to her husband it becomes an easy counter to pay on the threat of being changed into an animal .
20 From this vantage point it becomes clearer , showing its rounded back to the west and a steep series of crags , cliffs and gullies to the north and east .
21 So when you get to that point it becomes really tough to communicate , so of course no-one was communicating .
22 So deviation is a matter of degree , and at some indefinite point it becomes significant not that a writer has chosen x rather than y or z , but that he has chosen x at all .
23 At this point it becomes impossible to determine in what exact sequence events happen but essentially computer memory dropped below $1,000 for a megabyte which allowed a complete page of A4 paper to be created in memory at 300 dots per inch .
24 ‘ Escape ’ from hard times is a cultural necessity and the harder the times the more fantastic and precarious and desperate a business it becomes .
25 It may be soft and warm as you inhale it but once it is inside your body it becomes as hard and tough as the surface of that road .
26 The minute she becomes pregnant and ca n't hide it any more she 's actually put into prison
27 When the farm worker sees ex-workmates supporting a more grandiose life-style he becomes more aware of his own relatively lowly situation .
28 I mean at the end of the day it becomes subjective , like choosing wallpaper .
29 On the one hand chastity is understood as an aspect of the piety of a senatorial family , while on the other it becomes the centre of a vision of the kingdom of heaven and its saintly inhabitants .
30 ‘ Then after a while it becomes a habit , like those teachers who speak to everyone as though they 're five years old . ’
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