Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] tells " in BNC.

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1 From the script it tells you that after this nuclear war the creatures are supposed to have decayed into these horrible shapes , almost armless and legless , dependent on machines to give them any mobility .
2 In Three Men in a Boat he tells how , having gone through a medical dictionary at the British Museum — to check if he had hayfever — he decided he had everything in the book except housemaids knee .
3 Without looking up from her work she tells me something she has done or discovered or thought or decided during the day .
4 Indeed at times it appears that she thinks that this liberation progresses from age to age ( though in correspondence she tells me that she thinks that the conclusion to history may well be that we annihilate ourselves ) .
5 George , not unlike his subject , has spent about half his life in Ireland west , north and south he tells me I said why not Dublin and he says that 's what I meant
6 For example , in his verbal sparring which he has with Bajazeth before their battle he tells him that ‘ every common soldier of my army shall smile to see thy miserable state ’ .
7 Second he tells us that the classical paradises , which you can read about it in ancient authors , none of them are as fine as the Garden of Eden .
8 We were thrilled by her generous gesture in this the Guild 's Centenary Year , not least because the story she tells so well shows that much of what we do for Christian Aid is in the best Guild tradition .
9 you know solid or there 's been an accident it tells you there 's an accident at , at this point
10 And you do n't often see the every picture he tells something , something nice about it .
11 Eva is married to a preacher and the tale she tells is of their Baptist congregation whose exuberant spiritual style of worship was banned by the colonial Government in 1917 .
12 if you pick another button it tells you how much battery power you 've got left .
13 I said in one breath he tells me he 's not going to erm going on holiday with Linda .
14 In the first volume of ‘ The Impossible Dream ’ Peter King told of the rescue and repair of the Duke taking the story through to 1985 and in the second volume he tells of the return to steam culminating in the blue riband run over the Settle and Carlisle in September 1990 .
15 When you look a book up in the catalogue it tells you the number .
16 ‘ Do n't believe a word she tells you , Rainbow , ’ I shout , but receive no response .
17 As a result Robin 's stomach is in turmoil throughout the ceremony and the evening of the wedding ; in the marital bed he tells his new wife what has happened .
18 Glasser was to be the author of a study of a Calabrian village , and the Spanish war bears a bleak meaning in the story he tells here .
19 His own vicissitudes in love are a feature of the story he tells , as is his attempt to understand his disconcerting brother and to produce reflections on the meaning of it all .
20 ( Yet beauty of glass is that the story it tells is that the parts can not cohere , can not form a whole , even though they would like to . )
21 Oddly enough , Ghanashyam ( A Broken Branch ) approaches opera in the nature of the story it tells : originating in village festivities , the tale unfolds a rake 's progress towards perdition , in this case via drugs , but with an extra metaphysical twist when the spirit of the departed returns to inhabit his wife .
22 The story it tells is close to the historical details already described , but there is an overlay of romanticism which brings the dry facts to life .
23 I think for a bit about going to ask him how I get home but I do n't want to ask him in case he tells Mr Jackson .
24 I do n't want him asking me questions like where I 'm going and stuff like that , just in case he tells Mr Jackson .
25 And then of course he tells me about punk rock and he was there and he was the meaning of punk rock .
26 Brian had his cholesterol test on er little bit of paper they give you with all the information it tells you the only oils you should use are erm olive oil and saffro saffrall
27 In his latest book he tells of sophisticated computers that can move tall buildings in the opposite direction to the tremors .
28 Within that report he tells us erm , the rather startling disturbance story , that in fact it almost suggests , has been suggested the revolution has n't happened because the situation has continued as before with a different name but basically with the same er with the same kind of programme intact .
29 It 's hard to divine the facts of her early life since her autobiography , Lady Sings The Blues , is full of tawdry details which are as likely to be figments of a pulp imagination as they are the truth : the way she tells it , she was routinely mistreated and beaten , recruited for a brothel and more or less saved only by a small talent for holding a tune .
30 Fair makes your hair stand up , the way she tells it .
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