Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] half " in BNC.

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1 From the left bank of the canal , the green fields of Gloucestershire swept up in a gentle rise for half a mile , there to be a terminated by a line of stately elms .
2 For this reason , it is best to practise a pan before you shoot , starting with the body pre-swung through half of the movement in the opposite direction — rather like winding up a spring .
3 Some sellers of British Gas shares , prior to delivery of allotment letters , who had responded to press advertisements of the share-dealer Walter L Jacob & Co Ltd which has now been wound up , were told to send Jacob a cheque for half the proceeds .
4 Mr Bond , piling leverage upon debt , arranged an open-ended loan with Sotheby 's financial services division for half the auction price , whatever that might be .
5 During that time we won it 3 times despite being in the second division for half that time .
6 SIR — There are at present about half a million United Kingdom citizens living in other parts of the European Community , and if Britain is to compete successfully in the Single Market , even more Britons will find themselves spending longer periods elsewhere in the EC .
7 So opens Blaze 's ‘ 25 Years Later ’ , perhaps the best soul debut for half a decade .
8 Locked in : An elderly woman was stuck in the Superloo in Crook for half an hour , a local trader has claimed .
9 I feel a bit sorry for them , having come all the way from Southend , to your place , and er , being left ringing the doorbell for half an hour .
10 During the worst recession for half a century the British government is committing £55m to Manchester 's bid to stage the 2000 Olympics .
11 It seems little short of incredible now that such a talent should not have been any source of income for half a century after she left art school , but heartening that the lack of any fiscal reward and only intermittent recognition from her peers made no impact on her creative energies .
12 I mean I could quite easily delegate it out , but I ca n't because it 's a management function , so , I 've got to be the one that 's got to walk round the branch for half an hour , taking twelve blocks off , checking all the sealed .
13 But they took a dive between half three and five .
14 It has been three years since the galleries were last open , but according to Dr Mino , most of the material has been in the basement for half a century .
15 They stayed in the bedroom for half an hour or so , talking , looking at the things , talking : and Clara remembered thinking at the time that it was just such a honeysuckle-filtered , sunny conversational afternoon that would in years to come , whatever those years might bring , cause her the most sad and exquisite nostalgia .
16 Then we 'll go and see how Downes is making out — do him good to kick his heels in a cell for half an hour .
17 As soon as we 'd packed all the stuff in the ba van we 'd have the rest of the sandwiches the rest of the coffee or another cup of coffee and then we 'd get on the road and even if we 'd got back for four , by the time we 'd got home and , and had something to eat or if we did n't want nothing to eat , watched the telly for half an hour and get to bed , you 've got from eleven till sort of three or four the next day which is just nice because you 're in your own home
18 Would you tell them that I 'll be giving them a ring between half past six and quarter past seven .
19 The veins or ‘ lodes ’ of tin so formed varied in width between half a metre and six metres .
20 I 've no one coming for half an hour . ’
21 A short distance up the road from the Hill Inn , a bridleway turns off to the right and , with Ingleborough looming directly in front , passes along an easy terrace to reach a gate in a cross-wall after half a mile .
22 The prospect of exporting live horses for meat still causes a greater outcry than the continued export of half a million live British sheep each year .
23 London itself is a great metropolis of half a million residents .
24 He says it 's meant the loss of half a million pounds income for Oxfam and they 're continuing to lose £10,000 a week .
25 The magazine may have a circulation of half a million or more .
26 He found the failure rate to be 37 % , and identified the 500 titles ( out of a shelf stock of half a million ) which were most often unavailable .
27 Jamie Richmond added another on the stroke of half time and Gert Jan Vreevurg brought the score up to 7-0 with a slapshot from the point .
28 They had both animals ready and saddled up in half an hour , which was as well , because five minutes later , on the stroke of half past seven , Lord Deverill himself arrived , accompanied by four couples of hounds .
29 Lang restored Instonians lead to four points before McGarry replied with a fine penalty on the stroke of half time .
30 Jimmy Phillips gave Middlesbrough brief hope of a revival from the penalty spot two minutes later after Mike Hooper hauled down John Hendrie , but Steve McManaman restored respectability to the scoreline when he turned home Liverpool 's third on the stroke of half time from Don Hutchison 's raking pass .
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