Example sentences of "[noun sg] [unc] health " in BNC.

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1 Advice on how to achieve the new tighter control limits required in plating , anodising and chromate pickling together with details of the new chromic acid mist test are contained in the Metal Finishing Association 's Health and safety bulletin no 8 .
2 It goes without saying , of course , that neglecting a horse 's physical needs will damage or undermine a horse 's health , and consequently its well-being and how it feels in itself .
3 Good habits contribute to a horse 's physical and psychological well-being ; whereas bad habits frequently impair the horse 's health or behaviour in some way .
4 For safety 's sake and your horse 's health and comfort , there are some jobs that should still be done regularly .
5 Lead-free petrol is bad for your car 's health , according to motor mechanics who say they 're repairing dozens of cars which have been damaged by it .
6 This may include recommending that you attend one of the practice 's health promotion clinics .
7 Wading birds , the barometer of any marsh 's health , have been devastated .
8 A leak of an early draft of the White Paper on community care led to a clash yesterday between Kenneth Clarke , the Health Secretary , and Harriet Harman , Labour 's health spokesman .
9 THE GOVERNMENT 'S plans for the NHS could cost the Tories 1.5 million votes at the next general election , Robin Cook , Labour 's health spokesman , claimed yesterday .
10 Mr Robin Cook , Labour 's health spokesman , said Mr Clarke had given no good explanation for his precipitate action .
11 Mr Robin Cook , Labour 's health spokesman , said Mr Clarke had given no good explanation for his precipitate action .
12 LABOUR 'S health spokesman , Mr Robin Cook , claimed during health questions that eye tests were dropping so steeply since charges were imposed earlier this year that they were heading for a fall of three million , but health minister Mrs Virginia Bottomley said the Government had not yet reviewed the effect of charges .
13 Mr Robin Cook , Labour 's health spokesman , said in every ambulance station in London there were staff ready and waiting to provide emergency cover .
14 Harriet Harman , Labour 's health spokeswoman , was banned from Addenbrooke 's Hospital , Cambridge , yesterday .
15 Mrs Bottomley , 44 , has been dubbed variously ‘ the milkmaid ’ and ‘ golden Virginia ’ , but the epithets do nothing to promote her cleverness and political acumen — she coined the jibe ‘ scaring not caring ’ on Labour 's health pronouncements .
16 Mr Robin Cook , Labour 's health spokesman — who called for an early contest — and Mr Donald Dewar , Scottish spokesman , were among the first senior party figures publicly to throw their weight behind the Shadow Chancellor 's campaign .
17 In Labour 's health service , power will belong to patients , not accountants .
18 The head of MI5 , and formerly a member of the ‘ domestic subversion ’ department , which snooped on Patricia Hewitt and Harriet Harman ( who went on to become Kinnock 's press secretary at the last election , and Labour 's health spokeswoman , respectively ) .
19 Robin Cook , Labour 's health spokesperson , charged the government with being ‘ concerned less with the quality of health care than with widening the role of the market in its provision — by increased competition , by more commercial medicine and by larger public subsidy of private medicine ’ .
20 Tonight , after the case was taken up by Labour 's health spokeswoman , the Health Authority has agreed to foot the bill .
21 North Tees hospital trust will be a ‘ nine-day wonder ’ , Labour 's health spokesman Robin Cook said yesterday .
22 The administration of President George Bush was subjected to its first serious alarm concerning the 66-year-old President 's health when , on May 4 , Bush was hospitalized after developing a rapid and irregular heartbeat .
23 In the ensuing days the President 's health was closely monitored and , after a further burst of accelerated and irregular heart activity on May 7 , it was announced on the following day that the source of Bush 's condition was an over-active thyroid gland .
24 Mrs Clinton recently told a labour group that the President 's health plan would put an end to financial ‘ gouging ’ by doctors .
25 Is n't it also true that the European union or community or whatever you like to call it , is also intending to introduce a compulsory identity card in the form of a smart card carrying details of the citizen 's health , but which would have ample room to put all sorts of other things on .
26 We 're supposed to know what goes on in this country , and the PM 's health is a national asset , so …
27 Frank Reynolds , 57 , head of Birmingham City Council 's health department and his deputy , Keith Hunter , face disciplinary proceedings .
28 Beaverbrook , indeed , who knew Law very well but was also addicted to dramatic interpretations , believed that the collapse of Law 's health stemmed partly from this destruction of his position as undisputed captain , maybe of ‘ the second eleven ’ in Churchill 's phrase , but at least of a team of like-minded , straightforward and loyal men .
29 This was important , for Bonar Law 's health was on the point of finally breaking up .
30 But since this sudden , amazing improvement in the Baron 's health there was no reason for him to remain .
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