Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] best " in BNC.

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1 Revision of aseptic technique may best be covered by one-to-one teaching , whereas the care of the terminally ill patient may best be discussed at a tutorial .
2 This is a definition of how the brand should best fit into its competitive market .
3 Perhaps I 'm not suggesting this as a sort of erm a definite wording just as a s sug as a suggestion erm to the effect that the settlement should best serve the development needs arising in Greater York rather than the demand generated from outside the area .
4 Prior to circulating interested parties , we would wish to consider how the proposed deal might best be structured to yield the greatest post-tax return to you and your family .
5 I feel the time is now right to respond to local bargaining initiatives , C C T and L M S , with a review of how the research department could best provide their services to the people at the sharp end .
6 This had the effect of giving the BBC an effective monopoly as advertising revenue could best be maximized by providing an alternative to sport on independent television .
7 as Younger did in January 1922 , that a coalition could best carry through the policies that Unionists wanted , but by then the main Unionist demands were directed against Labour anyway .
8 Their future would best be secured by implementing the repeat dispensing system , recommended in a recent Department of Health report , and developing a contract that pays for services other than dispensing — for example , health promotion — where the pharmacist can offer opportunistic advice without the need for identification or referral .
9 ‘ But we believe a secure future can best be achieved by continuing to take full advantage of the collective marketing strength of producers , whether acting voluntarily or through the current statutory scheme , ’ he said .
10 The nature of this dilemma can best be described as follows .
11 They are no good at running industries , and probably not much good at picking winners and deciding where in the economy investment can best be directed .
12 Foucault argues that just as there can be no general theory of history , but only particular answers to particular questions which make individual practices intelligible , so the intellectual can best hope to be specific rather than universal ( universal in the sense of proposing transcendent values , systems , totalities , narratives or teleologies ) .
13 Perhaps this chapter can best be concluded by raising a theme which will recur in this book , the idea of cultural counter-revolution .
14 This departure from high modernism can best be understood through examination of the historical avant-garde of the 1920s , which I think ( and shall argue ) was the first flourishing of postmodernist culture .
15 The Force welcomes visitors , because its primary role is deterrent , and the Force can best fulfil its mission by showing how effectively a multinational , integrated force can operate in isolated locations on the flanks of Europe .
16 Good research can best be guided , and in many cases initiated , by an experienced supervisor , but in other cases , the spark of originality from the researcher is quenched rapidly by the supervisor who finds it difficult to distinguish between ‘ guidance ’ and ‘ instruction ’ .
17 It was for this reason that it was made clear that the negotiations leading to a settlement might best be described as bargaining hence suggesting a somewhat aggressive method of resolving the matter .
18 The regime 's intolerance to any views other than its own and its savagery may best be illustrated by three recent events .
19 A variety of issues were discussed , including plans for the memorial garden and the issue of how money collected in the village should best be spent to benefit residents .
20 This work might best be termed exploratory , possibly to be left in the hands of the most competent and confident scientists and technologists .
21 Some areas of branch work could best be undertaken by Working Groups or Sub Committees .
22 Leading journalists covering the particular sport were invited to attend the lunch and to give their views on how the sponsorship could best benefit the sport and on how they would like to be kept in the picture .
23 That last requirement could best be met by establishing a large enough market to warrant actual manufacture in the Far East .
24 Until these holdings are improved , the museum would best mount high-quality temporary shows , rather than abide by its stated intention to consecrate half its exhibition space to the permanent collection .
25 Find out what machine would best meet my needs
26 Do consider how the new conservatory will best blend with the property and whether to use single glazing which is less expensive or double glazing which allows the conservatory to be used more comfortably the year around .
27 Often this work can best be set out in this way .
28 Nehemiah 's work can best be understood if compared with Greek events .
29 Fundamentally this consists in locating the appropriate level of organization at which any issue can best be resolved .
30 The answer to this question can best be given by example .
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