Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] developed " in BNC.

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1 Its contribution has in part been developed through its critical understanding of what a working-class adult education might be , drawing on the best elements of the liberal adult education tradition to produce an education that respects people 's culture and experience , but also subjects it to analysis and questioning .
2 But labour has consequences for consciousness in that rules for instrumental action are developed which enable the subject to have a measure of control over nature through the use of tools .
3 But in these days of fuel economy and concerns about speeding why should such a super car be developed .
4 The ‘ F1 ’ road car being developed by the World Champion racing team , due to be revealed next month , promises to overtake the super-Jag in speed and price .
5 Fishing effort in the North Sea which had been slowly increasing as engines and gear were developed , came almost to a standstill during the war and , in consequence , the sea-bird populations flourished as fish stocks increased .
6 Kneese ( 1984 ) describes a methodology being developed to determine how much people are willing to spend to preserve good visibility conditions in national park areas .
7 Justifications were forthcoming , and became more and more adequate as better and better telescopes were constructed and as optical theories of their functioning were developed .
8 A simple rhythm is developed by percussion and translates into movement
9 After discussion , staff felt the policy statement had to be a succinct reminder of the aims and ways of bringing about real ‘ working together ’ , spelling out why , what , how , when and where partnership is developed .
10 After all , it is on the track that speed is developed — and you must have that speed to win races .
11 The theme of lateness is developed here , of an existence which was once vibrant , as in summer , now mellow and dwindling away to the barren emptiness of winter .
12 For small switching angles a high torque is developed at low speeds , so the system accelerates rapidly from rest , but the maximum speed is restricted .
13 If the rotor is slightly displaced from the step position a force is developed between the stator and rotor teeth ( Harris et al. , 1977 ) giving a torque which tends to return the rotor to the step position ; a rotor displacement in the negative direction produces a positive torque and a positive displacement results in a negative torque .
14 The project must therefore be divided into chunks , and data analysis , database and information systems implemented in each of these divisions in turn , ensuring the success of each of these parts before the next subsystem is developed .
15 So to improve safety , the umbili wheel was developed .
16 The aid was developed using a commercial expert system shell , but we found it necessary to integrate the shell with a spreadsheet for data input , with an algorithmic language for certain numeric calculations and with a graphics package for presentation of the output .
17 ‘ Oakgrove Manor was developed by Derry 's Inner City Trust as part of a wider programme of regeneration .
18 The whole unit was then double-insulated with a wood-polystyrene-wood sandwich construction and an intricate maze of pipework was developed to handle a projected water capacity of 3300 gallons .
19 A programme was developed , and meetings have become a regular event .
20 In 1923 the Conservative Government once again introduced a subsidy scheme , under Neville Chamberlain , and the programme was developed in 1924 by John Wheatley , Minister of Health in the first Labour Government .
21 In the area of business performance , the Business Venture Programme was developed .
22 To investigate this possibility , a new , non-invasive test of gastric acid secretion was developed ideal for ield use in the third world , where chronic diarrhoea and undernutrition are common .
23 In the 1950s a control system based on punched tape was developed .
24 Conspiracy as a crime was developed by the Star Chamber during the seventeenth century and , when taken over by the common law courts , came to be regarded by them as not only a crime but also as capable of giving rise to civil liability provided damage resulted to the plaintiff .
25 Here a collectivity was developed on a regional or local basis , drawing together workers from the various trades , rather than in a national body for the members of a single trade .
26 The opencast industry was developed during World War II as a way of increasing coal production by using machines and fewer men .
27 In response to the difficult situation schools find themselves in , a critical and forward-looking approach to curriculum renewal was developed .
28 A specialist surgical instrument was developed in America to make a ‘ channel ’ in the corneal tissue to insert the ring .
29 The fund theory of accounting was developed by Vatter ( 1947 ) for the business context .
30 Its aim , with the likely support of West Germany and the Commission President , Mr Jacques Delors , will be to ensure that institutions of democratic accountability are developed in parallel with the supra-national instruments of economic and monetary policy-making like the proposed central bank .
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