Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] actually " in BNC.

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1 PREVIOUSLY FILMED at least four times , James Fenimore Cooper 's 1826 novel is one of those cornerstones of American literature no-one actually reads .
2 It 's , it 's by actually looking at , well I , in Bill and Kevin 's appraisal I actually tackled it through their appraisal because we discussed , in quite a lot of depth , erm what their workload and ways in which they could change their workload
3 And one of one of the things that I 've got on a regular basis is the many of the things Harlow Council put on like pop concerts country and western have actually been used by people who who perhaps live outside of Harlow so the Council are now looking at a charging policy but also we should also gon na introduce into the theatre is the leisure card which actually includes that the people actually live in the town local and the reproductional sort of show if they can do so they should buy .
4 Moreover , Bradley continues , the specific nature of cultural goods , which Adorno recognizes , can not be adequately covered by his argument that the apparent use-value of popular music ( its ‘ immediacy ’ , its status as ‘ art ’ and as a repository of ‘ human ’ feeling , and so on ) is an illusion which actually functions in the service of exchange-value ( it is an aspect of what people buy ) .
5 Whatever his intentions about the succession , it was almost certainly not the confusion which actually occurred .
6 Cherry noted , as a most extraordinary circumstance , that Sewell had given a demonstration which actually lasted nearly 10 minutes ‘ which might be short and sweet : if it was intelligible , it was the first time ’ .
7 What began for us as the effort to capture a purely objective record of what we saw gradually dissolved into a quest , an odyssey of self-discovery which actually took place amongst the last of the lands of real living kings and queens , dragons and pirates , cannibals and headhunters , mystics and magicians .
8 In their own study which actually involved recording EEG/EOG measures of sleeping shiftworkers in their own homes using a portable tape recorder , they also found that sleep during the day was generally shorter than night-time sleep , and more frequently interrupted by awakenings .
9 However , in the 1980s , government 's repeated sudden and confused demands for economy created a great deal of uncertainty which actually led many authorities to abandon what planning systems they had created .
10 What I know about palaeotology is n't too much I mean I obviously have to try and know a bit , but it 's not my field — erm in order to test the minor claim , you have to be able to get your hands on some rock which actually consists of continuous sedimentation over long periods of time .
11 What matters is the record of action which actually followed his visit to Klagenfurt .
12 The LM form of homœopathic medication is unusual in that once you are improving on the remedy you actually continue to take it even when you are feeling well .
13 And even the woman in the examination the pianist she actually tells Tracey if some of them are bad or whatever .
14 Until post-war reconstruction began in the 1950s and early 1960s , most building projects were carried out in the traditional manner , with an architect designing the building and managing the contract , a quantity surveyor preparing bills of quantities , valuations and a final account , and a general contractor who actually constructed the building .
15 The word gossip itself actually means ‘ God 's kin ’ .
16 and I was thinking of the benefactor who actually offered this er
17 So on this side we actually believe in positive rights .
18 So effectively we take our input pattern we take our tuple we force is through our function here we get our value out sum value of of the tuple and that 's J and that indicates within the weight array that we 're looking at which weight we actually set .
19 And secondly erm because we 're rather keen for people to er carry on the momentum we actually say to you when can you start and if it 's next week wonderful .
20 In a separate experiment they actually monitored the eye fixations of subjects while watching the slide and found that in the arousal condition subjects fixated more often on central details , though for less time per fixation .
21 The well-known American research by Hill ( 1970 ) has demonstrated the interlocking nature of support structures across the three generations , and has shown that grandchildren do feel responsibility to give assistance to their grandparents in this context , although in practice they actually do less than the intervening generation .
22 Well I suppose you see maybe what they 're trying to do I mean as far as I know I mean previously the Inland Revenue or the valuation office part of the Inland Revenue they actually used to run a scheme where
23 Whoever 's fault it actually was , the French aggressors , perhaps appropriately , were eventually blamed , for syphilis was generally referred to thereafter as the ‘ morbus gallicus ’ .
24 I 'm I 'm about to apologize to Mr Grigson , because I see from his submission he actually did distribute it by district within the er Greater York area , er yea , planning by Selby is not I think the right approach , but .
25 The French authorities did something to safeguard communal property among their Moslem subjects in Algeria , even though Napoleon III ( in the Senatus-Consulte of 1863 ) found it inconceivable that individual property rights in land should not be established formally among the members of Moslem communities ‘ where possible and opportune ’ , a measure which actually had the effect of permitting Europeans for the first time to buy them out .
26 We will continue to encourage government to take positive steps to improve the situation of families in poverty , like providing better child care and better support services to families and maintaining and improving benefits at a level which actually ensure economic stability and guaranteeing that housing , safe and proper housing , is available for all children in our society .
27 More seriously , forms of discipline and surveillance may be developed to police — and hopefully deter — discriminatory behaviour in public settings , whilst the informal cultures of racism which actually sustain these practices are relegated to an untouchable realm of ‘ private attitude ’ .
28 Ken , would you say though that erm one or two recent announcements connected with these judgments , I think including the er the judge in a recent M C C case which actually went I think against the administrators , b on shares but actually the judge said if the argument had been made that er these assets were held er on a trustee basis , then I might have made a different decision .
29 and all she can think of to say is ( and here he mimicked a heavy filmstar accent which actually was nothing like the actress in the film at all , because the woman in the film is an ordinary , decent , hardworking woman ) , ‘ Oh dahlink , I 'ave missed you so much , ’ and then the first thing she does after waiting for him to come home for seven fucking years is to leave the fucking gas on while she 's making his coffee , and then of course she 's so tense that she just ca n't wait for a fag , she lights up , there you go ; bang .
30 And I would like to say thank you to the people who sit on the budget review sub- committee , a committee which actually I do n't attend as often as I probably ought to , particularly to the labour spokesperson , for the way he 's guided the committee , both from within the chair and at other times , on it 's work this year , to be able to propose a budget which erm , so well fulfils the aims that many of us had when we were elected in May , which were of course , to maintain services , er , to squeeze efficiency out of the sy into the system and squeeze any waste out , and to get our officers working towards zero base budgets .
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