Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] saying " in BNC.

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1 Indeed there is a case for saying that it is the mix of ions of opposite polarities that makes the resonance formula adaptable and actually causes a self-tuning resonance .
2 But is there not a case for saying that we are currently witnessing the historic counter attack of Christian Democracy , which has summoned up the traditions of Eastern Europe to redress the balance of the West ?
3 He has found several different types of Anomalocaris ; from studying the whole lot , he thinks he can make a case for saying that it belongs with the arthropods , not out on its own .
4 There 's no doubt that there is a case for saying that Bayfield is too big for front-jumping .
5 The case for saying it was murder
6 I want to turn this right round because a couple of people have mentioned guilt and er I I suspect that one of the reasons that women are a bit worried about talking about depression or or campaigning for changes in policy , or more funding , or or whatever , is that for a long time women have been thought of as the weaker sex , more emotional , more nervous , by a , a a male establishment , I 'm talking about past centuries , is n't there a case for saying there 's actually we have a right to be depressed , I mean , obviously it 's normal , ninety three of you get depressed from time to time , the majority of you do n't think you clinically depressive if it is , if it 's normal to be depressed should n't the services to cope with depression , if we need outside help , be there and there 's no shame in it ?
7 There is a case for saying that Nietzsche 's relationships , though often intense , hardly ever permitted the degree of self-revelation , at least on his side , that true intimacy presupposes .
8 You concealed knowledge of a deserter , you actually helped him stay deserted , and They can make out a case for saying you still are .
9 I would therefore argue that even if the discrepancy between girls ' and boys ' performance at the top levels of achievement in mathematics was entirely due to differences in ability ( which I do not believe , but nevertheless should stay as a possible hypothesis ) , there is a strong case for saying that we should act to try to alter the situation .
10 I know that that is not supported by the Association of Chief Police Officers or by shopkeepers , but there is a case for saying that shops should be licensed .
11 and erm therefore this year er there is a case for saying we shall start to accrue some of the backlog er to the extent , but only to the extent we will expected to be paid shortly thereafterwards .
12 There seems a good case for saying that , until the new date is drawn again to members ' attention , the old date continues to be valid .
13 There is a case for saying that chairman of selectors , Ted Dexter , and Gooch have both had their day and that new management should take over .
14 There would have been less practical difficulty about saying that trade ceased when business ceased actively to be carried on , because there was a further period of a year during which a petition could be presented .
15 His wanting the wedding-dress was an excuse for saying all the things he 'd said .
16 As for Mr we 're out of recession are we ? well if that 's an excuse for saying let's close homes well , I think that 's a a terrible shame , all he , the certainty that he wants to offer to our elderly people is the certainty that their home will close and they 'll be thrown out of it .
17 JUDGES are notorious for being out of touch with the world but Judge John Lee must win the Legal Ass of the Year award for saying it 's a woman 's function to upset men .
18 He was once accused of racism for saying the claims of some Tamils seeking asylum were ‘ manifestly bogus . ’
19 But it seems that , I mean , redressing a paper that you know what it says is one thing erm so something like Hillman 's Guardian , he knows what words they are going to use in those headlines and he provides them with a new look for saying those words in , but in many ways his redesign of that paper was erm it was an undynamic one in the sense that he was still providing them with elements which they could bolt together to make a page in a classic broadsheet newspaper way .
20 One fear about saying ‘ No ’ is that you might hurt the other person .
21 Which is shorthand for saying that you do n't have to cheat very much .
22 I seem to remember , i i i you know , you try to bri you brought something back into me mind through saying that but er I , I ca n't , I could n't tell you nothing about it no no I could n't tell you nothing about it .
23 AN Ulster school is considering action against its town 's deputy mayor for saying it should be shut down for teaching a new sex education project .
24 Some people seemed to have a talent for saying the wrong thing , she thought to herself .
25 Dowling himself was an irregular , a member of the Old Catholic Church , a splinter group that did not recognize the supremacy of Rome ; he was drawn into the cause as a result of saying house Masses for expatriate Nicaraguans in San Francisco .
26 In order to draft effectively , and to make intelligent use of precedents , the drafter must not only know what to say but why it is necessary to say it , how to say it , and what will be the result of saying it differently .
27 Whenever anyone , Y , is in a position to say , ‘ X is φ ’ on account of what he sees , drawing no inferences , and not lying , then it is true to say that X appears to him to be φ , even if it goes against our linguistic practice of saying , ‘ X appears to Y to be φ ’ only if we have a reason not to say , ‘ X is φ ’ .
28 There is the linguistic practice of saying who , or what , one meant .
29 The widespread practice of saying a whole psalm or canticle together ( unless it is a short one ) is tedious , inartistic and spiritually unhelpful .
30 He was the least well acquainted with Connon and had no intention of saying anything at the moment .
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