Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] to wait " in BNC.

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1 An announcement in May confirming the selection of Glasgow removed earlier uncertainty , although final confirmation has to wait for a further consultation period until the end of June .
2 Electrical stimulation could produce dramatic effects , but the proper study of electro-physiology had to wait for some time until it was possible to record small electrical potentials .
3 Unable to turn , Chant had to wait until the man walked past his supine body to get a sight of him .
4 The Security Council agreed to wait until March 10 before deciding action .
5 But when the parent is teaching the child to do what is asked , the parent needs to wait and check .
6 Er Exec was saying it was probably me and somebody else or would the Committee like to wait and see who 's elected tomorrow , and then decide next week ?
7 The Policy and Resources Committee decided to wait until the end of an appeal by Richard Shield , the man who was sacked for recruiting Tommy Sheppard .
8 He struggled towards an understanding of continuity , though the work had to wait for Newton and Gottfried Leibnitz to produce an infinitesimal calculus to master this difficulty .
9 BRM 's F1 return had to wait until the new two-litre P25 was ready for its first full season in 1956 .
10 Borrowers on a budget plan have to wait till the year is up before they can reap the benefits .
11 Over the past few days , police officers have asked me why a community has to wait until someone is injured or killed before an offender is sent to prison for a lengthy period .
12 Rain chose to wait and Mrs Pascoe arrived soon after , plump and pink .
13 It was not a good place to have to wait , this time .
14 The female half of the population had to wait even longer for an equal political voice : not until substantial numbers of women had moved out from the shelter of the home to take an independent place in the labour market was women 's claim to a voice in the political market allowed .
15 The honourable draw had to wait till Old Trafford , although over eleven hours were lost to the weather .
16 Delivery times for most items were generally satisfactory , but there appears to be a possibility that readers consulting early or rare books in the South Reading Room have to wait a considerable time for items ordered over the lunchtime period .
17 In university and polytechnic libraries the advanced instruction has to wait until the second and third years of undergraduate courses , because it is at these stages that the students work on sometimes quite specialized projects .
18 Straining the last possible revolutions from her roaring Paxman engines , the old lady of the fleet , Vigilant was first to reach Guiding Lights , but despite darkness and mist had to wait no more than a few minutes for the other cutters to join her — a feat of seamanship that later lead to great praise from their Investigation colleagues ashore .
19 Companies do not of course have to wait until the Appointed Day .
20 At present even those authorities who support the concept of advocacy tend to wait to be approached by a local voluntary group before initiating a project .
21 The culmination of its activity is at the kill , whereas a retriever needs to wait and relate closely to its owner , if it is to be successful at its task .
22 The authority decided to wait until all the evidence was in before interviewing any officer involved in the incident .
23 The paper had to wait , It announced , ‘ until our much talked about ‘ profits ’ materialize in the form of hard cash . ’
24 Birds feeding on the road seem to wait until the very last minute before zooming off to safety , though inexperienced fledglings normally suffer a high casualty rate on our early summer roads .
25 The sustained development of the study of the diseases of later life had to wait until the nineteenth-century .
26 In many cases the actual amount of information given in the recalls was minimal , limited to whether a subject had to wait at the junction and whether there was other traffic around at the time .
27 Haymo , although selected by the monks of Rochester as their next choice had to wait until August 1319 , before he was consecrated Bishop .
28 IF DODGE City and Tombstone had to wait for movie star-type heroes to save them from the outlaws who were over-running the communities , would they stand by the lawmen if it looked like the bad guys were n't going to stay beat ?
29 Further explanation has to wait till The Silmarillion , but in a sense is not needed .
30 The puzzle had other pieces and the friar decided to wait , although he felt guiltily that Benedicta 's presence might have more to do with his tardiness than it should have .
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