Example sentences of "[unc] room [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Duncan McCrea may have seen her leave Quinn 's room but he made no mention .
2 Emmie looked into her father 's room but the bed was still made : he had not come home last night .
3 A superior quality of relationships or quality of teaching is n't built upon genius in the headteacher 's room or any magical acts , but built on listening , trust and respect for the dignity and creative potential of each person connected with the school .
4 She was lying on the edge of the bed far from Tom and had not known it was Tom 's bed and Tom 's room or that she was not alone , but had been cast at once , as usual , into that incredulous panic where she was asking herself , how could I have left Mike ?
5 They either share the children 's room or are given " quarters " , normally small , box-like rooms either on the roof or behind the kitchen .
6 His rounds took him to most parts of the building and Rain was eagerly accepting that it must have been Stan on the second floor making her jumpy when he mentioned that since the murder he did not go into MacQuillan 's room or those next to it because the police were usually there .
7 And Conroy dearest , go up to Mummy 's room and wait there till I come , and try to pretend that all the dreadful things that have happened are just part of the play . ’
8 He walked past Claire 's room and turned the corner .
9 Late at night one of the students passed Ramsey 's room and heard strange sounds within , and it was Ramsey going round and round his table saying It is fire !
10 Once I 'm a bit warmer , I go into Marie 's room and have a look for the cornflakes .
11 By 1922 the single school-room was no longer adequate to meet the needs of the local school population , so the full width of the building was extended eastwards under a pair of pitched roofs to create a second classroom , head-teacher 's room and internal side entrance lobby replacing the demolished attached porch ( Plate 32 ) .
12 Erika following her , she bustled into Omi 's room and began rummaging in the dressing-table pulling out garments to a running commentary of , ‘ Are these clean ?
13 On one occasion when he had failed to produce an essay for the third week running , Betjeman wandered sheepishly into Lewis 's room and threw himself on his knees by the hearth .
14 So , being a nosey bugger , which I am , I went into David 's room and looked around for some evidence of what actually might have happened that weekend because I was completely stunned .
15 About ten minutes later , we decide we 've cooled down sufficiently to be able to leave the men 's room and go back into the restaurant .
16 I do not possess any pornographic publications or pictures of couples in lubricious postures , though I am aware that they exist to an ever more proliferating degree , and I have seen these things in Robert 's room and in my agent 's office .
17 Children 's room and playground .
18 In Nice he got up early and went to Survage 's room and painted until midday , then took a swig of alcohol , made a face and returned to the canvas .
19 I may go to my son 's room and say to him : ‘ Since today is a special day you may play in my study while I work there . ’
20 Hilton receipts for Chris 's room and everyone 's breakfast : please keep for me to take up with them .
21 An hour later he left his father 's room and walked out , alone , along the shore path and up to the moor .
22 I had for some reason gone up to M. Dupont 's room and was about to knock , but before doing so , as is my custom , I paused for a second to listen at the door .
23 I retreated to the men 's room and took the film out of the binoculars-camera , and wrote a short note to go with it .
24 ‘ Carried on to Miss Berry 's room and tapped very softly on the door .
25 Benjamin , who had been walking for a month , found himself less welcome in his mother 's room and followed Ruth around the house like a pet lamb .
26 I share Anna 's room and live close to the family . ’
27 She picked up her candle and decided to go along to Mildred 's room and have a grumble at her .
28 Mundell , 22 , and Lieutenant Andrew Hadley , 24 , then stormed into Lt Richard Brearey 's room and asked him to get up and watch the results .
29 ‘ I checked Angel 's room and was shocked to discover it was her . ’
30 Projects under consideration include James Baldwin 's Giovanni 's Room and a movie biography of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo .
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