Example sentences of "[unc] [adj] war " in BNC.

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1 During the er civil war Abraham Lincoln er suspended , unilaterally , without consultation , er suspended the writ of habeas corpus who knows what habeas corpus is ?
2 Well this is part of a one million er £ er campaign to try and raise money for a lot of projects that we run in eight countries in southern Africa , from Angola to Mozambique , where our , the problems are absolutely horrendous er civil war in Mozambique for example , in Malawi , one in ten of the population are refugees , principally from Mozambiquan civil war , arriving at refugee camps in Bark and absolutely nothing er at all in terms of possessions .
3 So it 's a kind of a strange argument to suggest on the one hand the Vienna settlement was a factor in in preventing wars between all the great , er major war involving all the great powers .
4 In his memorandum Aziz accused Kuwait of having deliberately pursued policies aimed at weakening Iraq during the latter 's eight-year war with Iran .
5 Until two years ago he was , despite his flirtations with the Soviet Union , seen as an ally in President Reagan 's obsessional war against the Sandinista regime in Nicaragua .
6 The invasion danger , and the loss of Minorca , tapped a wave of fierce patriotism which carried into office an outstanding politician , detested by George II but destined to become one of Britain 's greatest war leaders .
7 This final glimpse of England 's greatest war criminal would be an anecdote to leave to their descendants , like a family heirloom .
8 The ‘ blockbuster ’ bombs were part of the IRA 's economic war , but there had been a tendency for people to despair of the political process , he warned .
9 To the English-speaking world , the Spanish Civil War of 1936–9 is familiar nowadays chiefly through the poetry of W. H. Auden , George Orwell 's classic war memoir Homage to Catalonia and , most of all perhaps , Ernest Hemingway 's novel For Whom the Bell Tolls .
10 Four people were killed and at least 200 injured in Dhaka and Chittagong during nationwide strikes on June 20 and 21 called to press for the trial of Gholam Azam , leader of the Jamaat-i-Islami Bangladesh , on charges of crimes committed during the country 's 1971 war of independence .
11 President , since Swan Hunter returned to the private sector in nineteen eighty six , workforce , management , trade unions , have worked together to produce the world 's finest war ships and one of the world 's finest yards .
12 In a beautifully bound and printed limited edition ( 250 copies ) of 11 of his previously unpublished war poems and 15 black and white plates , Bomberg 's devastating war experience is laid bare .
13 In a beautifully bound and printed limited edition ( 250 copies ) of 11 of his previously unpublished war poems and 15 black and white plates , Bomberg 's devastating war experience is laid bare .
14 Cambodia 's 21-year war decimated the wildlife population .
15 The ruling will also have implications for the company 's on-going war of attrition with AT&T Co .
16 This is not to say that even at this stage Edward 's principal war aim was the throne of France , but rather that the most effective way of bringing pressure to bear on Philip was to subvert the provinces and establish English military bases there .
17 It is worth looking carefully at the lettering cut deep into stone in Canberra 's vast war memorial : Australia , 8,709 ; New Zealand , 2,701 ; India , 7,597 ; France , 9,874 ; Britain , 21,255 .
18 It failed , above all , to topple Saddam Hussein , whose removal , Mr Record says , was always one of America 's chief war aims , albeit one that was not blessed by the United Nations .
19 The country 's best known Mao impersonator , an actor called Gu Yue , has made a startling comeback in a new 90-minute epic portraying the last months of China 's civil war .
20 The Djibouti government wants to avoid involvement in its neighbour 's civil war , but most Djiboutians support their Issaq Somali cousins .
21 But the viciousness of Somalia 's civil war is far outweighed by the suffering of its refugees .
22 He lost his old job as vice-president in July after suggesting that his boss , Samuel Doe , should resign to stop the country 's civil war .
23 Then came Angola 's civil war , which began before the Portuguese colonists left in 1975 .
24 A similar delay this year could spell the end of Sudan 's civil war , unless the SPLA can regroup and mend differences .
25 The lack of any precise boundaries between the three closely-interwoven ethnic groups leads most observers to believe that Bosnia 's civil war will know no bounds , with the battle front cutting through villages and streets .
26 Stories , and the whole collection , circle around the same events , reapproaching and repeating them until we see them whole and she is healed of them : the ‘ trying times ’ of Pakistan 's civil war , the deaths of her mother and best-loved sister .
27 South Central LA is one of America 's civil war zones , a suburban ghetto torn apart by drugs , where the murder rate is at an all time high and almost all the victims are black .
28 Alured 's civil war activities were concentrated in two committees : he seems to have been chairman of the committee of the East Riding , and he was an equally active member of the committee of the Northern Association ( sometimes called ‘ the committee at York ’ , though wholly distinct from the committee of Yorkshire , also at York ) .
29 The unremitting pressure of their role in the politics and violence of Lebanon 's civil war had bonded them into a partnership that meant as much to him personally as professionally .
30 Velleius Paterculus and the Latin source of the first books of Appian 's Civil War ( for which Emilio Gabba suggested the name of Asinius Pollio ) came nearer to an Italian version of Roman political history , but by the time they wrote the imperialism of the Republic had turned into the bureaucratic Empire of the Caesars : what these historians said could no longer bear fruit .
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