Example sentences of "[modal v] pay [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Pepper v Hart centred on the amount of tax that classics master John Hart and a number of his colleagues should pay on their sons ' subsidised places at the school .
2 Those with a second home should pay at least double the community charge for the area , then they would be making some recompense for taking up properties that could be used for people who need them .
3 And it is our judgment that you can and should pay at once a portion of Mistress Hussey 's dowry , so that her maintenance may be assured , and she may return to her father 's house from this court , as is her wish .
4 ( Asking if the ‘ government ’ should pay of course begs the question , where does the government get the cash from if not from the consumer ?
5 The order is an unusual one in that in proceedings under the Children Act 1989 the justices ordered that the local authority involved in those proceedings should pay to another party the costs of that party in the sum of no less than £7,171.50 .
6 The M.T.A. by its constitution had a power to put on a stop list the name of a member or person who infringed its rule forbidding the sale of articles at other than the list prices relevant thereto unless such person should pay to the Association a fine within limits to be laid down by the Council of the Association .
7 Hence also the introduction in 1789 of a very ambitious though shortlived scheme of tax reform which provided that in future the peasant should pay to State and lord combined only 30 per cent of his gross income .
8 Developers should pay for the cost of the additional traffic that they generate .
9 Now he 's told her that she should pay for the new family car .
10 The dispute over who should pay for running costs has meant that not one of the 750 long-term units planned in London has been built .
11 It was also decided that the Master , Wardens and Assistants should pay for a key giving them access to the Garden .
12 It wants the rail link to be built ( if nothing else , as a demonstration of the feasibility of privatising British Rail ) but Mrs Thatcher has stated quite clearly that ‘ users of the new line should pay for the full costs , including environmental costs ’ .
13 She would have to have some money to support it , and it was only right he should pay for the pleasure he 'd had .
14 Christie , who has already signed money-spinning deals with Lucozade and clothing firm High and Mighty since Barcelona , said : ‘ We did n't see why we should pay for a visa when we were prepared to take part in races for nothing .
15 The workhouse — institutional rather than ‘ outdoor ’ relief — was one way of controlling the help given to paupers ; but demands that such institutions should pay for themselves had a hollow ring to it — many of the inmates were there because their skills were not needed in declining industries , so they could hardly be set to work profitably once they were taken within its walls .
16 However , there seems no reason why creditors should pay for the costs of the Certificate .
17 Into the Home territory beyond they had to go fairly warily , but less so than if they had been a weaker company , not because of fears that the Homes would betray them to Dunbar but in that they were always jealous of their declared rights to decide who should enter their country and what they should pay for the privilege ; but two hundred and fifty well-armed men in tight formation carried their own safe-conduct , and they rode through without challenge .
18 Now the Army is to give every soldier an extra £10 a month , which should pay for a weekly three-minute call .
19 ‘ It has failed to debate the key question of who should pay for the clean-up of contaminated drinking water . ’
20 Wildlife should pay for its survival .
21 But who should pay for such clean-ups ?
22 Measures that drive up the costs of waste disposal may appear to fulfil the principle that polluters should pay for the dirt they create ; but they also encourage waste to end up where it should not .
23 A potential problem now exists in deciding who should pay for such detailed assessments : mother and baby units must attract referrals from outside their district to remain financially viable , and their high ratio of staff to patients is likely to prove expensive .
24 The principle of the statute was that the serfs should be emancipated with their household plots and an allotment of land , but that they should pay for this land .
25 Who should pay for the wasted time of the dentist ? — I ? the bus driver ? the bus company ? or the clock manufacturer ?
26 The principle of the statute was that the newly-freed serfs should retain their household plots and an allotment of land , but that they should pay for this land .
27 ‘ Well , I do n't see why I should pay for it . ’
28 Welfare rights and patients ' monies ' officers are , indeed , needed in every service and not just in community care , but at present there is doubt as to who should pay for them .
29 The policy question is how far families should bear the burden themselves and how far the state , through social security , or otherwise , should pay for the costs of disability ( see Chapter 14 ) .
30 The rationale for this is that the generation which uses the asset should pay for it .
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