Example sentences of "[modal v] simply say " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Governments should simply say ‘ the talks bus is starting and we are taking on board everyone who wants to be involved , if you want to be left behind you do so at your peril ’ .
2 Alternatively one could simply say the seats were actually all taken , and that all three occupants happened to be in the toilet at the time .
3 I used to ask what I should do to fill the day and he 'd simply say go to the park and knit .
4 Or you may simply say who sponsored the baluster .
5 Fraud may be difficult to prove , the person making the statement may simply say that he honestly believed , at the time he made it , that it was true .
6 I shall simply say that Lord Hailsham 's ‘ little ewe lamb ’ has not in practice proved to be the liberalising measure which he had hoped .
7 I shall simply say thank you all
8 Then he realized that people would simply say , ‘ No wonder she went mad , living with that Nigel Hughes . ’
9 The statement would simply say that an exchange had been arranged in conditions of total secrecy , as demanded by the kidnappers , an unspecified ransom had been paid , and that they had broken their word .
10 I would simply say that if you want to know what happened in America after Pop and Minimalism , you have to concentrate on art made in unconventional places and with unconventional materials : out of the studio art , land-art , body-art and video .
11 and then what we would simply say is that , I mean a day is one point zero
12 No doubt when she told Nathan he would simply say , ‘ So what ? ’
13 I I would simply say that I think it does deserve maximum weight because I you will not be surprised to hear , er take the same view as Mr from Leeds City Council , that under no circumstances should the the settlement be located anywhere other than in a location which will serve York and not Leeds .
14 I think I would simply say that er if you feel you can make a choice , so be it , if you feel you ca n't make a choice I would implore you to take up some wording similar to the wording I 've suggested , which seeks to commit the district authorities to a to a new settlement within within Greater York .
15 I have n't carried the exercise out but I would simply say that it 's it 's not valid to do an exercise like this in the way that this is done .
16 I 'm I 'm a little unclear exactly how much footloose allocation remains in Selby , I I er think I understand it to be quite small , taking account of , but I would simply say to the panel Leeds ' concern is that we should not be a counter focus in that corridor , which er most most greatly bear on our attempts to regenerate our inner areas and use our our many brown field sites .
17 I mean if you want to make sure you 've got that in your hand I would simply say to you
18 How right you are Mr Deputy Speaker , of course I could n't go into this because it 's out of order but on the other hand I would simply say to the honourable gentleman if he looks at the basic policies , the basic flaw of the E C is it ca n't solve problems and all these new M E Ps we 're thinking of sending over I think we should bear in mind the problem , they 're going over to something where problems ca n't be solved .
19 Lastly , I would simply say that for weeks before the war was over , General whom I would like to call your attention to , was an Operations Officer and during the night when we were laying on missions we 'd say to each other , when this thing 's over we 're gon na get stinking drunk .
20 Quite hard to get through to Charley sometimes ; when pressed he would simply say he was thinking .
21 He would simply say it refers to all those aspects of things which make them beautiful considered in some , and that , if you think of that as a sort of mental object for a moment , is a very rich one .
22 He would simply say it refers to all those aspects of things which makes them beautiful , considered in sum .
23 Close friends and family — those who really care about you — will be happy to comply but you must remember to tell them that you would like them to indicate what they think are your weaknesses as well as your strengths or they will simply say nice things about you .
24 At this time in the morning , I shall not go into the details of the report but will simply say that the Committee was shocked by what it found .
25 Of course the Tory party will simply say it is up to the others to attract a winning minority or even a majority .
26 1 In the most basic sense , we can simply say that the British Constitution is the " set-up " as it is .
27 But we can simply say ‘ hello ’ , and leave it at that . ’
28 My Lord point eight , erm , the evidence it all goes to insurance points , solvency and protection of policy holders and in that regard two points , first of all why one can simply say V D S , secondly all their justifications , even if it 's true , the answer is V D S , but in any event they must sure even if , even if V D S was wrong in some way , they would have to show that the restrictions were the minimum necessary in order to achieve those legitimate policy objectives
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