Example sentences of "[modal v] simply have " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps I should simply have left it alone for a while .
2 Now James Drife , professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at Leeds General Infirmary , demonstrates this by recommending that healthy women past childbearing age with anxieties about breast cancer should simply have a double mastectomy as a precautionary measure .
3 Opinion in Texas prison circles , with hindsight , seems to be that TDC should simply have admitted that various provisions for prisoners were unsatisfactory and inadequate .
4 We should simply have a male God .
5 The phrase should simply have said " was " .
6 He must simply have said it for effect ; after all , dramatic effects were clearly his favourite way of expressing himself .
7 In November 1959 , Castro must simply have felt that he had little to lose by seeing what Moscow was prepared to offer .
8 It was an insignificant point in its way , for Harry knew from Marjorie Mallender that Clare had met Minter whilst at Oxford — he must simply have been at another college — yet somehow his faith in his own reasoning was undermined .
9 David might simply have been overwhelmed by his financial responsibilities towards his mother , and could see no immediate future for a life with you and did n't want to tie you down .
10 The more powerful , well-established organizations were often able to put forward their own projects — many of which might simply have been cancelled because of capital cut-backs after the International Monetary Fund imposed constraints in 1976 .
11 Its excellent PR and the enthusiasm of the press might simply have set it up for a great fall if the use of its powers had proved to be weak or ineffective .
12 A paltry sum like $1m might simply have been shoved under the boardroom carpet but for a greater scandal : the cost over-run on the World Bank 's new H-Street block .
13 But even then it might simply have pre-empted things .
14 Singh , while holding a Green Card , was not a full US citizen and might simply have been released as a gesture .
15 Alternatively , the corporate management might simply have wanted to acquire them .
16 It might simply have been the fear of publicity .
17 In other incidents she might simply have placed her hand over the child 's mouth or nose , or interfered with its oxygen supply with ‘ dramatic consequence ’ .
18 ‘ One day you 'll simply have it , and then you wo n't remember what it was like to be without it . ’
19 well I think erm , the short answer is that I ca n't erm , erm provide the parties with any time on Friday , er , the case , this case has already some what over run it 's estimate , which has put pressure on the commercial judge as it is , there 's gon na be even more pressure on Friday , erm , I 'm afraid to say the , that the complexities of this case as such that I can not erm begin to think that even if we started at ten we would erm , necessarily finish within the hour , I have difficulties starting at ten o'clock anyway , I think we 'll simply have to erm , put the matter off , off until Monday morning I , Mr ca n't attend I really do n't think that I can erm put it off er any longer than that
20 There 's nothing you can do about the latter , and as for the former you 'll simply have to stop worrying .
21 In fact it could simply have been broken off Lord Heptonstall 's boots at any time during the night .
22 If Telecom really wanted to get a cost-effective solution to a 60,000 square foot head office requirement , it could simply have bought Montrose House on Adelaide Road two years earlier than it bought the Ballsbridge site .
23 asserted that in the present time the defendant 's liability in Rylands v. Fletcher itself ‘ could simply have been placed on the defendant 's failure of duty to take reasonable care , ’ and it seems a logical inference from this and from the judgment as a whole that the Court of Appeal considered the rule to have no useful function in modern times .
24 Secondly , the improvement in lower oesophageal sphincter pressure could simply have been an artifact produced by the surgical procedure .
25 A contemporary Christ Church gospel book records the entry of Cnut and his brother Harald into confraternity with the community , and although Cnut could simply have given them Harald 's name , it is possible that he was in England in 1016 , as Thietmar says , remained with Cnut , went to Canterbury , and returned to Denmark with part of the fleet after the payment of 1018 .
26 Thank you Chairman erm this is , this is er er obviously er a very important item , but I think that most of the information that it contains would already be familiar to members erm and bearing in mind that I , I 've only a moment or two ago gave a very long answer to Mr 's question when I , I could simply have said yes .
27 He 'd simply have acquired a spectator and a potential liability .
28 And that means a reason right there on the spot , otherwise , once out of sight , he 'd simply have made off for wherever it was he wanted to be .
29 Well , she 'd spent most of her life flying solo , protecting herself from the rest of the world behind high barriers ; now , after risking and losing all in one fell swoop , she 'd simply have to set about the painful business of re-erecting those walls .
30 On the contrary , he 'd simply have found it amusing .
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