Example sentences of "[modal v] probably still " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She 'll probably still fall in love with you , ’ Jessamy said drily .
2 They 'll probably still send somebody , but perhaps only one rather than two . ’
3 Well if they 're going onto eight hour regular they 'll probably they 'll probably still change their mind .
4 Besides , you 'll probably still be able to see the lights from the shore . ’
5 and you li , it 's a bit late you have to wait longer but apart from that like , when we 're on the bus it 's hot or so it has had to be set , it 'll probably still be runny a bit .
6 I must have missed you , cos if I went past Britannia , and I thought ooh they 'll probably still be in there
7 So erm so give it a go anyway and see what happens erm and it 's no great hardship to have to y'know kind of do it in two or more sets I would n't have thought y'know it 'll it 'll probably still work .
8 They 'd probably still give it to you . ’
9 But I did n't like working at Johnny Walkers so I think it was quite a good thing at the time , although I did n't really like it I 'm glad now that it happened cos I 'd probably still be working in there .
10 When she 'd first moved in she had n't cared about anything , certainly not her surroundings — they had been the least of her problems — and if the villagers had n't so kindly donated her furnishings she 'd probably still be existing in empty rooms .
11 I 'd probably still be lying in a dazed heap in the corner if she had been — I 'm a definite sucker for green eyes . ’
12 I could probably still have got across , but as I have said , the stones of the causeway were thick with seaweed , and treacherous even when exposed .
13 Peter Carter-Ruck , a leading libel lawyer , said : ‘ All you can say is that it would probably still be held to be defamatory to call someone homosexual today when they 're not .
14 It would probably still be better for an asthmatic than other , fully-furred breeds , but there is little point in taking a risk with it when there is the more suitable Cornish Rex available .
15 And if they did n't , the bill would probably still be lower than the price of the service charge .
16 ‘ I would probably still be running anyway , but the Veteran scene has kept me motivated when I might have been just drifting around with my running .
17 North Korea would probably still have to admit , as Iraq has done under UN sanctions and as South Africa did voluntarily , that it had been up to no good .
18 A woman would be quite prepared to accept a wage lower than a male compositor 's , since it would probably still be a great improvement on what she could earn elsewhere .
19 The use of the split infinitive is now generally acceptable , though some more traditional grammarians would probably still disapprove of it as incorrect English .
20 ’ Some people — most people , perhaps — would probably still consider it women 's work .
21 But given the choice and understanding , most of us would probably still rather face up to distress .
22 If , perish the thought , Scotland were scarcely to win a ball from the lineout at Twickenham , this pack would probably still finish the championship having won more possession from that set-piece than any Scotland pack in living memory .
23 I shall probably still be here when you 're a buba sending your grandchildren over to spend their holidays with me ! ’
24 If these proceedings do not result in termination of the lease , a tenant will probably still have incurred considerable legal expense — payment of the landlord 's legal costs for taking these forfeiture proceedings .
25 If only a minority class , then it will probably still be a road but if otherwise , generally not , unless it is a ‘ public place ’ .
26 But , in order to maintain the services to our members , unions will probably still have to increase rates at an annual basis .
27 In other cases of non-compulsory transfer the parties will probably still be under the same constraints about fixing the price .
28 Many of the younger voters will probably still be sticking loyally to the Ninja Mutant Turtles .
29 In fact I think you can probably still pick them up in antique shops and second hand shops and probably a lot of people have still got some .
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