Example sentences of "[modal v] go [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Germans and Italians say a team of European politicians should go to negotiate the release of hostages , even though they agree that such trips should be condemned .
2 But the time should still be only a few minutes and the parent should go to collect the child and indicate when it is appropriate to join the family again .
3 Sue likes me … lots of people like me … when I was helping out at the meat counter the other week , Jim said we should go bowling one night .
4 I do n't think we should go swimming do you , because of your cold .
5 When one has told a friend about a stage performance or some media utterance that one feels he should go to see , one has performed that work to the friend and partly negated his need to see the work for himself .
6 It was decided that Julia should go to see Minnie and escort her to Carrie 's house if she wished to come .
7 ‘ As chairman of the community services committee I believe I should go to see all the community centres in Belfast as Seamus Lynch did when he was chairman . ’
8 If you suspect TSS you should go to see your GP immediately and , if you are using a tampon , remove it .
9 Their planning was meticulous — Mem used buckets of her son 's Lego to work out where every radiator and socket should go to accommodate their furniture .
10 ‘ You should go take Spanish at night school , ’ he said one evening in the Airds ' downstairs lavatory when we were clearing up after they had gone out to dine .
11 The assumption of those who decide where research money should go seems to be that surgeons do not need to participate in research ; they should be content to operate somewhere in the depths of the hospital and speak when spoken to .
12 ‘ Do n't you think someone should go to tell Steve that his mother is not there ? ’ she said to Dagmar , as the day drew in .
13 and you know , tonight , tonight , tonight I wanted to , I wanted to have a knock about with my old sparring partner but he 's ill , he 's very ill from what I 've heard tonight and he should go see a doctor .
14 Seems if they really want to study erosion then they should go watch all the bagfuls of ‘ pretty ’ rocks being taken out at Diamond Creek .
15 The bookseller expressed no surprise that Mr Mitterrand , a client of 40 years ' standing , should go browsing on such a crucial day .
16 You know , because I think we as parish council would have thought that we were interfering if we suggested that we should go to observe somebody 's group meeting .
17 The book explores the lengths to which a community , particularly a Christian one , should go to stand up for its rights when faced with oppression .
18 Their second greatest fear was that they might be forced to comply with her frequently telephoned suggestion , made purely from a sense of duty , that they should go to stay with her until the Whistler was caught .
19 ‘ An hundred years should go to praise/ Thine Eyes , and on thy Forehead gaze .
20 ‘ Then if it 's a higher power you 're looking for , you should go check out the shopping mall .
21 ‘ The staff decided £1500 should go to sponsor the giraffes at Edinburgh Zoo for three years .
22 Mum was somewhat cross and suggested that I should go to meet Dad who had gone to his allotment and confess my indiscretion .
23 We must go tell his wife .
24 I must go to join them . ’
25 ‘ We must go swimming together one day .
26 Ah , ’ she murmured , ‘ I must go to see cook about dinner . ’
27 But meanwhile he must go to see Terence Place 's wife , who also was not weeping .
28 The dancers all showed a great joy in their work as they danced to the rousing Tchaikovsky score and special mention must go to lead dancers Victoria Westall and Antony Harith .
29 ‘ I must go skimming , ’ she said .
30 Now I must go to say goodbye to Tess Darrell , and apologise for half-trained servant girls .
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