Example sentences of "[modal v] obtain [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There are , of course , many schools other than those listed in the appendix , and also a great many private coaches , all of whom may be found in the publication Contacts , a trade book everyone interested in joining the profession should obtain from the office of The Spotlight , 42–43 Cranbourn St , London WC2H 7AP .
2 Of such undertakings all that can be predicated is that some breaches will and others will not , give rise to an event which will deprive the party not in default of substantially the whole benefit which it was intended that he should obtain from the contract ; and the legal consequences of a breach of such an undertaking , unless provided for expressly in the contract , depend upon the nature of the event to which the breach gives rise and do not follow automatically from a prior classification of the undertaking as a " condition " or a " warranty " .
3 However , a public company must obtain in addition a trading certificate from the Registrar before it may commence trading .
4 No bookseller can expect to supply the bulk of a library 's orders from stock , and basically the librarian requires a quick , efficient service for material which the bookseller must obtain from the publisher .
5 Brandon J. noted that Mareva injunctions had been made to provide security for the payment of any award which the plaintiff might obtain in the arbitration , and he saw ‘ no good reason ’ against this practice .
6 The taxpayer may seek to raise a robust argument based on fundamental Schedule E rules that the benefit should be limited to the amount which the taxpayer could obtain on a sale of the rights ( Tennant v Smith ( 1892 ) 3 TC 158 , Abbott v Philbin ( 1960 ) 39 TC 82 and Heaton v Bell ( 1969 ) 46 TC 11 ) .
7 During the course of the coming months , the terms of what Henry could obtain in concessions from the French ( or at least from that branch of the body politic which was , at that moment , dominant ) were worked out .
8 In 1975 France started a detailed evaluation of the minerals it could obtain from its own soil .
9 The ancient Egyptians were also attracted by turquoise , which they could obtain from mines in Sinai .
10 The eukaryotic cell was formed , perhaps 2 billion years ago , when several kinds of bacteria joined forces because of the benefits that each could obtain from the others .
11 The Insured Person shall obtain from the HCI Representative certification of the deprivation of baggage for at least 12 hours , due to the delay or mis-direction and the expenditure made for emergency purposes .
12 It would obtain to the person who had gone out and not to his heirs and successors and it would involve his going out and someone else taking on his land .
13 The reverse pattern would obtain to the right of and a move from a point such as 4 to point 3 can be anticipated .
14 This put a floor under the price that the brokers would obtain on liquidating their long positions .
15 It is the problem of how the necessary support , in a physical and environmental sense , which in different circumstances the old would obtain in the setting of a family or a closely-knit village community , can be available to these millions of ageing individuals isolated in a modern industrial society .
16 It is probably true that in most online catalogue searching both recall and precision are much lower than that which a good intermediary would obtain in reference retrieval searching .
17 An article in a recent issue of the British Medical Journal , pointed out that babies in fluoridated areas who drink dried milk formulae made up with water containing 1 ppm fluoride , are ingesting up to 100 times the amount of fluoride they would obtain from mother 's milk ( vol 283. p 76 ) .
18 Acknowledging their weaknesses and limitations to live up to the Christian ideals they realised the strength they would obtain from mutual help and formed themselves into Teams .
19 As suggested in earlier editions of this book , a defendant does not fall within either category ( a ) or ( c ) solely because the MIB is obliged to meet any unsatisfied judgment which the plaintiff may obtain against him ( Powney v Coxage ( 1988 ) The Times , 8 March ) .
20 You will need a Polish visa which we will obtain for you .
21 Our care for the teenage mongoloid , for example , is powerfully influenced by its own plans and aspirations , and this will obtain to a diminishing extent with the more severely retarded .
22 ‘ Can you imagine what ghastly favours will obtain to the chief baboon , when this band enters a somewhat more farouche environment ? ’
23 This has lead to a recognition of the need for education among the adults of the community , in the form of horticultural skills , which they will obtain from College of Agriculture advisers and the Highlands and Islands Development Board .
24 In the event of such disclosure will obtain from such third parties ' duly binding agreements to maintain in confidence the information to be disclosed to the same extent at least as is so bound hereunder .
25 Taxation will often be the deciding factor in choosing between alternative structures and MAS will obtain from within the firm the appropriate degree of corporate , personal and international tax advice .
26 which you can obtain at post office counters .
27 In reality , a business — like everything else — is worth no more than the best offer you can obtain at the time of a sale .
28 Although the maximum tax relief an individual can obtain on BES investments in any tax year is limited to £40,000 , investors can claim up to half of the relief for the previous year on investments made before 6 October ( subject to a maximum of £5,000 , assuming that they have not used the full £40,000 in that period ) .
29 The skills are there to be bought : the problem is that many farmers have an exaggerated notion of the kind of worker that they can obtain for the money they are willing to offer , as well as an outdated conception of what the farm worker 's skills would fetch in industry .
30 Without going into detailed calculations which readers can obtain for themselves , the concept has been introduced here to provide a clear distinction between internal operating efficiency and action on relative prices .
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