Example sentences of "[modal v] none [art] " in BNC.

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1 You must none the less be sure to avoid any contentious or complicated wording , which might deter people , and choose a clear simple message , such as ‘ The Congleton Arms is a building of historic interest and deserves to be preserved as part of the town 's heritage . ’
2 Hyperbole , perhaps , but this meeting of two of world football 's traditionally strongest sides should none the less prove highly informative .
3 The Army and RUC had previously decided that , while the demonstration was too big to be prevented , it should none the less be confined to the ghetto .
4 Had he pressed on he might none the less have taken Newcastle , which contained many Jacobite sympathisers , but while he dallied , turning aside to Hexham , 15 miles [ 24 km ] west of the city , the Newcastle magistrates called out the militia and trained bands , mobilised a force of 700 tough keelmen , who worked on the lighters in the harbour , patched up the ancient city wall , though they lacked cannon to defend it , and bricked up the gates .
5 It recognises that competition is not an end in itself by providing a procedure whereby , although certain agreements or arrangements may prevent , restrict or distort competition , they may none the less improve the production or distribution of goods or promote technical or economic progress to the benefit of consumers .
6 In addition , what can easily be dismissed as paradox , inconsistency , or even hypocrisy may none the less represent some form of genuine religious commitment .
7 While clearly not capable of resourcing an anti-racist perspective on women 's poverty , it may none the less be possible to provide some insights into experiences which Black and white mothers share .
8 Particular importance has been attached to the question whether , where the testator 's words appeared to conflict with his intention , his intention could none the less be given effect .
9 Each such conditional asserts , with respect to all events or conditions of a certain class , that the occurrence of any or any set of them , or indeed all of them , would none the less leave it true that if the conditional 's antecedent is true , so too is its consequent .
10 When the appointed hour approached and we could see the visitors massing outside the glass doors at the end of the ward , waiting for opening-time , I would bury myself in a book to hide my pink eyes ; but they would none the less be drawn irresistibly to watch the passage of each visitor along the aisle while I thought babyishly , " Somebody might think to come . "
11 This did not in practice apply to landless labourers or peasants with very little land , a large and growing element in the rural population ; but if it had been put into effect it would none the less have been the most sweeping social legislation seen anywhere in old regime Europe .
12 They fear either that we are committed to move to stage three or that , irrespective of the provision in the treaty allowing us a free choice , we would none the less be obliged to move .
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