Example sentences of "[modal v] cost [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 It might cost 3p a day to take one of our products as a form of protection against heart disease or as a way of helping relieve the symptoms of rheumatism or arthritis .
2 Such a permit , which might cost £75 a year for cars and up to £750 for heavy lorries , would cost all motorway-users the same .
3 The book ( with VAT ) then might cost £23.50 , selling perhaps only 4,000 copies .
4 BR 's claim that it might cost £33 million to convert to a modern power system was a crucial element in the decision to close the tunnel .
5 School fees were about £50-£100 per year ; three years at Oxbridge might cost £600 .
6 Cost comparisons showed that a subsea project to handle 50,000 barrels of oil a day might cost £21 million to develop by conventional means but could be built onshore and towed to the location for £17 million .
7 This needs further negotiating ; at the extreme , that might cost £20,000 in a year .
8 The dentist says : ‘ It 'll cost £150 .
9 It is a decision that could cost £500,000 in lost gate receipts .
10 Next year it could cost £2 extra a week — £100 per head — to pay for people who have refused to pay their poll tax ?
11 BG has claimed that the Ofgas plan could cost £3 billion over ten years and cause widespread disruption to the business during the transition period .
12 These machines are so rare that one like Ingrid 's , new , could cost £80,000 , and she might have had to wait four years for delivery .
13 The dumps could cost £100 million to build at today 's prices .
14 A new damp-proof course could cost £1,000 or more ( including hacking off and replacing plaster ) ; complete woodworm treatment could cost anything from £500 .
15 IMPROVING safety standards at workplaces in Darlington could cost £60m .
16 The Treasury estimates that abolition of the pensioners ' earnings rule could cost £565m by 1991 , to be met out of reserves .
17 A bottle of perfume , Helen saw , could cost £110 .
18 Over the coming weeks the government will make up its mind on a programme of computing research that could cost £350 million .
19 Levy 's study concluded that including 5 per cent biofuel in all French fuel could cost £800 million a year , while reducing production of greenhouse gases by less than 1 per cent .
20 Just getting the mine back into working order could cost £1m or even £2m .
21 With VAT , this book could cost £20.95 , a level at which 10 per cent of sales would probably be lost .
22 The receiving ground station may cost £10 million to install and operate over the satellite 's lifetime .
23 It 's not unknown for an American to want to show a dozen video tapes , each of which may cost £50 to transfer to the British system .
24 Relative cheapness of new technology ( eg a word processor may cost £3,500 compared with £10,000 plus benefits for a secretary )
25 Copies ordered at a later date may cost £5.00 depending upon the time lapse between the registration of death and the date of the order .
26 Extra cars ( at today 's prices ) may cost £55 each though some firms make a basic charge plus mileage .
27 Well when i I had that used to cost sixpence , but you 'd got to be properly dressed afore you went I tell you .
28 Replacing the old steel and iron pipes lined with coal tar would cost £1,000 million , David Wheeler of WRC told the Consultative Conference on Water Privatisation in October 1988 .
29 Milk Race sprint would cost £1,000
30 The monthly bill for a repayment loan of £100,000 would cost £1,117.73 , an increase of more than 8 per cent after tax relief .
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