Example sentences of "[modal v] involve [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Acting as a sensitive film emulsion , the polymer recorded a phenomenon which must involve factors outside the normal concept of space/time dimensions .
2 [ E ] very … type of case such as this must involve questions of fact and degree .
3 EC requirements that research projects must involve scientists from at least two different member states to qualify for Community support may be helping to avoid errors and falsification , according to Filippo Pandolfi , the Commissioner responsible for science and research .
4 The other three modes , each of different symmetry , must involve motions of all four peripheral atoms .
5 The doctor has to make choices , and choices should involve principles .
6 It should involve children in speculating , hypothesis-making and testing , proving or explaining , reflecting , interpreting .
7 It should involve children in speculating , hypothesis making and testing , proving or explaining , reflecting , interpreting .
8 Thus they might involve users and ex-users of a variety of health and social services , together with their friends and supporters .
9 As shown in the National Curriculum Council Non-Statutory Guidance the process of enquiry might involve pupils in : ( 1 ) posing questions and formulating hypotheses ; ( 2 ) planning investigations ; ( 3 ) finding , collecting and recording information ; ( 4 ) assessing and organising information ; ( 5 ) interpreting ; ( 6 ) analysing the information as evidence for the enquiry .
10 Talk might involve ideas of comparison of shape , size , colour or weight .
11 As with the AMPA receptor-mediated component , LTP of the NMDA receptor-mediate d component of synaptic transmission could involve increases in L-glutamate release and/or postsynaptic modifications .
12 However , there is reason to believe that with scientific explanations , the optimal approach would involve discussions between groups of children , so long as the children start with differing but partially relevant ideas .
13 A Western specialist suggested a regime for the Mediterranean in 1973 which would involve restrictions on naval vessel deployments , the elimination of naval bases and facilities belonging to or operated by the signatories on the territory of littoral states and constraints on the land-based forces of the superpowers in the area .
14 Yesterday , Ian Forrest , who has just moved his home , a truck , from Glen Moriston to Laggan , said the protest would involve residents of both the 40-strong Laggan site and the ten remaining at Glen Moriston .
15 Professor Sloman has brought spelling up to date except where this would involve changes in pronunciation , accentuation and capitalization .
16 A serious government effort to rectify this would involve measures directed at cost , culture and service ethos reasons .
17 Breaking up the investment trust would involve costs , and selling large blocks of the shares on the market would probably depress their price , such that the shares are ‘ discounted ’ when in a portfolio of an investment trust .
18 SHOPKEEPERS in Redcar and Guisborough are attacking Langbaurgh Council plans to introduce fees for car parking which would involve drivers buying a scratch card and marking off the length of stay .
19 The union had repeated that workers were prepared to return to work using an agreed formula to resolve a grievance over lay-offs but that a return to work would involve workers pursuing individual contractual rights .
20 Nevertheless , such an agreement on the Mediterranean would involve risks for the USSR .
21 In his letter to Congressmen , Admiral Trost added that if the budget cuts were sustained ‘ there will be a catastrophic impact on the Trident programme ’ that would involve losses of nuclear deterrent capability ‘ for many years ’ .
22 The auctions , which will involve permits allowing electricity utilities to emit sulphur dioxide , are part of the EPA 's strategy of halving emissions of the gas by the end of the decade .
23 Any procedure of numerical integration will involve approximations that have the same effect as unknown small changes in the initial conditions ( although they are introduced continuously , not just at an initial instant ) .
24 One study will involve teachers of upper and lower juniors who are skilled at teaching history topics .
25 The new offer , mirroring the bank terms , will involve bondholders getting 60 per cent of their nominal stakes in A bonds , paying interest like the A bank debt , and the rest B roll-up bonds .
26 Assuming that product i has demand-side links with other products in the set , it will involve effects both on this product and on others .
27 Stage two will involve projects within departments and the involvement of all concerned .
28 The project will involve artists working in a multiplicity of media and spaces , creating a matrix of spiritual intensity and Diabolic rapture including …
29 The study , funded by the Economic and Social Research Council , will involve observations of fan behaviour at both club and international matches .
30 It fully describes a variety of stimulating exploitation techniques that will involve students in active viewing .
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