Example sentences of "[modal v] continue [subord] " in BNC.

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1 When the transfer has been completed ( probably the following morning ) you should continue as follows :
2 When the transfer has been completed you should continue as follows :
3 When the transfer has been completed you should continue as follows :
4 Did you er , were you satisfied the operation should continue as discussed with Assistant Chief Officer .
5 To try to maintain " normal " bowel function by keeping to the patient 's own routine if possible , e.g. if a patient takes bran at breakfast , this should continue if not contra-indicated .
6 Two officers whose term of secondment came to an end in the course of the year were replaced by promotions from within the Library 's staff , and it is intended that this pattern should continue when the remaining officer returns to the Scottish Office in due course .
7 It was not over then however , as the soldier said that the rest of us should continue until we had also burst our balloons .
8 Ignoring should continue until the child stops crying .
9 In In re Midland Railway Co. 's Agreement [ 1971 ] Ch. 725 there was no ‘ clearly expressed bargain ’ that the term should continue until the crack of doom if the demised land was not required for the landlord 's undertaking or if the undertaking ceased to exist .
10 The 1961 Party Programme , still valid on Gorbachev 's accession , provided that this process should continue until ultimately the ‘ complete unity ’ of the Soviet people was achieved .
11 The Organization of African Unity ( OAU ) , some of whose 51 member states had resumed , or intended to resume , diplomatic links with South Africa , maintained at its summit in Abuja , Nigeria , that sanctions should continue until all vestiges of apartheid were removed [ see p. 38279 ] .
12 Attlee thought that the coalition should continue until after the end of the war with Japan , however long that should take — and , as we have seen , it was expected to take another eighteen months after the collapse of Nazi Germany .
13 I have been the first to pay tribute to improvements in productivity in the coal industry , but they must continue if the industry is to provide , as I believe that it can , the bulk of supplies to fossil-fuel generators in the years to come .
14 The Headmaster had even let Mr Crangle buy a safety net so the expedition could continue if someone became stuck in the shelves .
15 Trade with Russia might survive if the Muscovy Company went out of business , but it was not easy to imagine that trade with Hudson Bay ( with all that it did for London furriers and re-exporters ) could continue if the Company lost its trading rights , and the Royal African Company was believed to be necessary for the slave trade until the 1690s , and the East India Company kept its position in trade with India for over a century after that .
16 A father 's control over his sons could continue when they had left his house .
17 At the time Neath said they walked off in disgust after 35 minutes because their lock Gareth Llewellyn was told he could continue until the interval but would then be sent off .
18 PEOPLE mopping up their homes were yesterday warned the heavy rains could continue until after the weekend .
19 However , since adoption of the proposals was voluntary and existing organisations could continue as before , ‘ there could be no objection in principle to them ’ .
20 Then our secret life could continue as before , with only the small wild things knowing of our existence .
21 In view of the late notification by the Sports Council advising that our grant for the current year would be out by £7000 the Society 's Steering Group felt we should all make a concerted effort to raise this amount so that all schemes and administration could continue as planned for 1988 .
22 But at the back of the yet-to-be father 's mind was the belief that his professional life would continue while his wife did some mothering .
23 There was a feeling in Parliament that the Bill would prevent the press from saying anything controversial — it would ‘ gag the press ’ — but Ngurumo 's feeling was that prevailing practices would continue whether the Bill was passed or not .
24 Peter Upton , head of the Colne School , Brightlingsea , and an expert on bullying , warned the trend would continue unless the Government stopped blaming schools and realized the need for more resources and an integrated approach to the problem .
25 Dhlakama later claimed that these were defensive actions and warned that they would continue unless the government withdrew its troops from areas under Renamo control .
26 At noon , The Extraditables , a group of drug-traffickers , issued a statement saying the war would continue until the Senate put the issue of extraditing traffickers to the US to national referendum next month .
27 The tenancy was not from year to year but for a term which would continue until Matlodge certified that it was ready to proceed with the development of the property .
29 A proclamation , allegedly from elements within the military , claimed " the right of rebellion " , demanded the resignation of President Carlos Saúl Menem and stated that the rebellion would continue until the installation of a military junta commanded by Col. ( retd . )
30 In view of the defiant rhetoric of President Saddam Hussein until that point , it had seemed increasingly likely that the US-led offensive would continue until his regime was removed from power .
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