Example sentences of "[modal v] be among " in BNC.

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1 Parents who leave the kids with the babysitter and go out because they feel they should are among the biggest culprits .
2 What a strange freak of human history it is that the Declaration of Independence should be among the lineal ancestors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights !
3 45762 : Mravinsky 's bleeding chunks of Wagner should be among the highlights of the set .
4 Several of these are the homes of major defence contractors ( such as Boeing in Washington ) , and should be among the major beneficiaries of the defence appropriation process ; some of the links are less obvious , such as that between the alfalfa producers of inland Texas and the production of military uniforms .
5 What it adds up to , says the committee , is that the US ‘ should be among the world leaders in all major areas of science ’ .
6 West 's club-mate Mark Hudpith and Elswick 's Alan Johnson should be among the medal contenders in the 5,000 metres , while Newcastle security guard Peter Gordon defends his title in the discus .
7 Galatians 2.20 must be among the most marvellous words of the Bible : ‘ I have been crucified with Christ ; it is no longer I who live , but Christ who lives in me ; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God , who loved me and gave himself for me . ’
8 Those traditional marching tunes of Ulster must be among the most stirring and spirited airs any child could wish for : the melodiousness of Derry 's Walls , the bravado of The Sash or , best of all , the sweet austerity of the pipes playing Rowan Tree or some of the gentler hymns as four/four marches .
9 This was not an area I was likely to visit but , nevertheless , my poor mother , hearing the report on the wireless , was sure that I must be among the casualties !
10 Gianni Bugno , so powerful in the hills and the current world road champion , must be among the favourites .
11 These invaluable low-growing pink plants have a reputation for being tender , but as these are doing so well here in this cold part of the country , they must be among the hardier varieties .
12 American desserts must be among the most sinful in the world , their development a reaction against that pilgrim puritan ethic .
13 England hooker Brian Moore insisted : ‘ After that sort of performance , we must be among the favourites .
14 Azhag does not have to have the Crown of Sorcery , but if he has any magic items the Crown of Sorcery must be among them .
15 And models of Noah 's ark must be among the most enduring of children 's toys , whether the animals are made of wood or plastic .
16 Our Unix bigots initially thought these long-term investments might be among the first to go .
17 And after all , perhaps joining up was the best thing you could do ; you 'll be among people .
18 ‘ The fact that you 'll be among your old friends , who will all clamour to know where you 've been . ’
19 At last November 's election in North Carolina , Senator Jesse Helms showed how emotive an issue quotas could be among white voters .
20 In Nottingham the Hucknall and Robin Hood lines could be among the first to be ear-marked for sharing .
21 Land by the Shropshire Union Canal in Boughton and further down by the Tower Wharf could be among the prime sites .
22 And the Tynesiders could be among the medals for the first time since they won the event in 1987 and 1988 .
23 That they 'd be among the lucky ones .
24 It is thought that Brent Walker 's Pubmaster and Devenish may be among the buyers .
25 So far as I know there is no definition of what constitutes a Cabinet Committee and , as the practice has grown , I believe there may be among the 70-odd Committees in the book some with less title to be treated as Cabinet Committees than some of the 700-odd interdepartmental committees of which we have no detailed information at all .
26 The discovery of this conodont-bearing animal suggests that at least some conodonts may be among the most primitive of vertebrates .
27 Consequently , those British cities and towns which have large numbers of people using injectable drugs may be among the first to experience full-blown AIDS/HIV epidemics , not just because needle-sharing can spread the virus between drug users , but because infected drug users-particularly the young and single-are likely to spread the virus to the wider population through sexual contacts .
28 Whatever the merits of alternative analyses , and however rare the 9,9 ideal may be among undoubted business leaders at the top of companies , the students are expected to take the Grid as gospel .
29 The auction 's attracted interest from all over the world , and Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger may be among the bidders .
30 Mortgages hit family incomes more directly and forcibly than paying more for the Volkswagen or Sony video recorder which would be among the potentially inflationary effects of devaluation .
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