Example sentences of "[be] also happening " in BNC.

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1 Momentous things were also happening socially in the North-West of England following the highly successful venture by the local society in the opening of the first social club for the deaf in the country in 1878 at Manchester .
2 Yet this is exactly what is happening and it is also happening with the schools in a reactive stance .
3 It 's also happening in places like Coventry in England where rappers of the calibre of MC Evaready are pumping out tracks like ‘ To The Point ’ ( Reachin ) .
4 The following two pieces illustrate the way in which European involvement in the Stop The Clause campaign was necessitated both by horror of what appeared to be happening in Britain , and by a concern about what was also happening in Europe .
5 Furthermore , what was happening to us was also happening to others , notably the Germans , and could of course happen to anyone .
6 Murie says that this was also happening under the previous system : ‘ As the new subsidy scheme under the Housing Act 1980 had been operated to increase council rents ( which in 1982–3 accounted for a higher proportion of average earnings than at any time since 1945 ) , so exchequer subsidies have fallen ’ .
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