Example sentences of "[be] badly [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But this good control , plus the fine grip and limited body roll , are badly let down in the driver appeal stakes by the steering .
2 Her lungs are badly scarred , her throat is damaged , her sense of taste and smell have almost completely gone and she suffers severe mood swings .
3 Of 130 dams constructed in the last 50 years in the Masvingo District , more than half are badly silted ( Elwell 1985 ) .
4 Historical sites and ancient monuments that are badly presented , providing little or no explanation , seldom achieve popularity as tourist sites unless they are unique and already world-famous , as in the case of Stonehenge , in Wiltshire .
5 ‘ These panes of glass are bullet proof and will not shatter , but if they are badly weakened a large , frightened animal like a bear may be able to force its way through and the consequences would be very severe ’ .
6 The rooms are badly heated , the facilities are okay and and it 's been , it 's been an okay experience so far .
7 Now if these issues are badly handled , yes there could be civil war between the Republics .
8 Deaths have also been reported in the United States , and if recovery is possible , then vital organs such as the liver , kidneys and lungs are badly damaged .
9 I wonder if it is here that the pictures are to appear , worrying that the seats are badly arranged , pointing the wrong way , that we wo n't be able to see them properly .
10 Used as part of the walls in the later fabric , a number are badly mutilated as a result .
11 YOU ca n't enjoy good beer if the pubs that serve them are badly run or have been modernised in a vulgar and insensitive fashion .
12 The arguments against housing mentally handicapped people in such institutions are not founded , in the main , on the premise that they are badly run or insensitive to the needs of their ‘ patients ’ , but rather that no mentally handicapped person should be institutionalised and segregated from the community as a whole unless they require hospital and medical care .
13 I think the big national companies are badly run .
14 And on the physical health side , enormous numbers of children are badly fed , physically neglected , by the loving parents who bore them !
15 On the Somerset Levels , inundated by heavy floods in 1872 and 1873 , a report described how ‘ Ague set in early in the spring and is now very prevalent … among the poorer families who are badly fed and clothed . ’
16 A novel scatty yet dense , as when events are badly related in real life .
17 But Arab journalists who have visited the area lately say the Arab radicals are badly split , have no central organisation and live in fear of expulsion or arrest .
18 And in a social context of too few well-trained and experienced mathematics teachers , where the parents of boys are more likely to complain if their children are badly taught , the girls ' classes may well be assigned the less competent or less experienced teachers .
19 Questions which ask for a ‘ yes ’ or ‘ no ’ answer are badly devised and do not carry the interview forward in a constructive way .
20 If old galvanised cisterns are badly corroded , they should be replaced with a cistern made from one of the other materials .
21 My window sills are badly rotting in places .
22 ‘ I know they are badly staffed there and the nurses are working very hard but it should be a bit better organised .
23 Too many customers wait too long for replies to their complaint — replies which in too many cases are badly written and do not deal with all aspects of the complaint .
24 In Britain , working-class women are badly represented on full-time university psychology courses .
25 The Pang , Ver and Misbourne rivers , already suffering from over-abstraction , are badly affected .
26 Women in particular are badly affected , because they tend to have the lowest paid jobs and to spend several years looking after children .
27 As with hypochlorites all are badly affected by the presence of dirt .
28 QACs are badly affected by hard water and are progressively inactivated by dirt and other organic substances .
29 The cost of sporting involvement may not , in most cases is not , realized during early phases , but , on reflection , many black sportsmen believe their academic results are badly affected by an overconcentration on sport .
30 People who already have breathing problems are badly affected if pollution levels are high when they come into the city centre .
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