Example sentences of "[be] discussed at " in BNC.

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1 His blueprint for evolving ‘ a genuine parliamentary democracy ’ will be discussed at a preparatory conference next spring which the European parliament will hold with the Council of Ministers and the bureaucratic Commission .
2 Computer graphics in feature film production will be discussed at the Imagina conference on new images in Monte Carlo , February 6-8 .
3 But they concern themselves primarily with discussing the application of nuclear physics , and I can not see that the work of a biologist could profitably be discussed at such a conference , and certainly not by me .
4 The matter is to be discussed at the next inter-church committee meeting , but meanwhile the meeting felt that a reasonable contribution towards costs could be forthcoming from the council .
5 The chief executive or clerk of the authority will send to each member of the committee an agenda some days before the meeting setting out the items to be discussed at the meeting .
6 The service developments which followed the Home Support Project will be discussed at greater length in the final chapter .
7 Their size can be assessed by comparing them with the original spread in the chronic sickness rates ; this will be discussed at length in the next section .
8 Revision of aseptic technique may best be covered by one-to-one teaching , whereas the care of the terminally ill patient may best be discussed at a tutorial .
9 The ward sister naturally needs to be consulted , and this can be discussed at a preliminary interview between the learner and the sister .
10 He wants approval from the full parliament , as well as the environment committee , in time for it to be discussed at a meeting of environment ministers in June .
11 The matter is due to be discussed at the ICC 's July meeting .
12 Sometimes it is not so much specific answers to specific doubts that bring relief but rather that doubts can be discussed at all .
13 And in a further blow to peace hopes , Serbia 's ruling Socialist Party ( SPS ) rejected the latest draft of an EC peace plan to be discussed at The Hague today .
14 The findings are due to be discussed at a future meeting of Braintree District Council 's community and leisure committee .
15 Parish council chairman Douglas Steward said the petition would be discussed at next week 's meeting .
16 Centaurs ' secretary Hugh Hopkins said the incident would be discussed at a scheduled committee meeting tonight .
17 Employment opportunities will be discussed at some time during or before the course .
18 Will job opportunities and interview skills be discussed at some time during the course ?
19 Terms and conditions of employment , including rates of pay , should be discussed at the outset , together with your qualifications , past nursing experience and level of expertise , and availability for work .
20 Not only has this phenomenon led to a concomitant spread of branches of the major search firms overseas to the major world capitals — which will be discussed at greater length in Chapter 6 — but also the pressure on multinationals to employ local executives has caused a worldwide reverse diaspora .
21 Each new change will be discussed at this meeting .
22 These changes will be discussed at the end of the section .
23 Details of when and where will be discussed at the next meeting as far as I
24 The assembly passed it to presbyteries and they in turn passed it on through their billets to ministers who in turn were supposed to pass it to sessions and it was supposed to be discussed at session level and turned down to ordinary congregations .
25 Methodological principles need to be discussed at the rather abstract level at which they were presented in the preceding chapters ; otherwise it is not always easy to assess the applicability of a set of methods to a new research context .
26 It was not unusual for topics such as mating to be discussed at the breakfast table despite Cora-Beth 's presence !
27 Whether this is necessary or desirable should be discussed at the highest level by the legal and medical professions .
28 In November 1988 a set of ‘ Theses ’ on the national question was issued by the Central Committee with a view to clarifying the issues that would be discussed at the forthcoming plenum .
29 Despite plans for market integration in Latin America and between the United States , Mexico and Canada , it is only in relation to the European Community that integration can properly be discussed at present .
30 Following approval by the Personnel Committee , I will arrange for the item to be discussed at the two departmental joint consultative committees , prior to implementation of the pilot scheme .
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