Example sentences of "[be] put [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Parents : Help when they 're put to the test Maggie Drummond offers hints on helping children knuckle down at exam time
2 If you 're late twice you 're put on report , and girls often lost remission because of that .
3 You 're put on trust , like a spaniel . ’
4 Er to , to work the truth out of things , one has to think what Adam , Adam had lost in the beginning , what Jesus had to gain back , cos according to the Corinthian 's letter that erm Jesus came back to buy back what Adam had lost and if you can work out what Adam had lost in the , in the first place , then you can see the point why you 're put on the earth and you can see that it , that he , he was given a commandment not to take off the , the tree of kno knowledge written by were n't he ?
5 I know that 's difficult to provide erm , and the money 's got to be found for that , but it , it 's a mixed blessing putting elderly people into , a lot are put into our homes , which I agree are very good the majority of them , they 're very nice , but the people who 're put into them , they give up their own homes , and then they get a bit better six months later , and they say , ooh , I just want to go back to my home now .
6 Ed : when you 're put in jail you 're made to have a bath .
7 It it 's a bad scene when it 's i if , if it 's universal , if they , if they 're put in bids eventually they 'll bankrupt themselves .
8 Heart-lung machines , that a machine that I can use , when you 're put in a heart-lung machine , I stop this machine , I keep this machine going , and I take out your heart , and your , your heart , I drop it on the floor , pick it up , wash in Parmolive soap , and put it back again .
9 And the only way round that situation , that may not even amount to crime when they 're put in fear , it may amount to yobbos on the pavement , or people er , cycling on the pavement or just being their usual threatening loutish selves .
10 Now yes this is very very welcome indeed , but I do see it Mr Chairman in the experience of the past and that really with the hard work that you both have put in as a piece of paper it is now in the computer as far as I can see and I think there is a term now within agriculture and I will give you an example of this and I think it now , it may apply I think to our road system particular particularly in the north , north Suffolk , yeah I think the term is set-aside , and I hope that some time central government will acknowledge that within this eastern region certainly the Lowestoft area and Waking area we have very great problems , because these pieces of jigsaw do not come into the full picture , they 're put in place now and then and later and in apparent it is giving us a very great problem certainly within the last
11 This can be put to good use in soaring conditions as a means of getting into the lift when cruising at a high speed .
12 He could not anticipate — that his work would be put to an entirely different use , let alone tell a story .
13 The old money-lender with her ‘ Jewish ’ interest rates is to be murdered because her life is worthless and her hoarded wealth can be put to good use ; when the unimportant deed is done the doer will launch himself into something that really matters , a large-scale philanthropic exercise .
14 Unlike other single women , Elaine can not stay out late at night : she has to be home in time to be put to bed by a nurse .
15 STEVEN SMITH 'S new rapport with the unpredictable Brook Street Picnic will be put to the test later this month , when he begins the tour of shows in Washington , New York and Toronto on the North American Fall Circuit , writes Genevieve Murphy .
16 Any continuing contributions received will be put to this reserve but active fund-raising for the Appeal has now ceased .
17 Your gift is urgently needed and will be put to immediate use .
18 The deal , at Northern Engineering Industries , Newcastle upon Tyne , will be put to a mass meeting of workers today .
19 The recommendations , forming part of a programme of environmental measures , will be put to the 19 ministers gathered under the auspices of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport .
20 So long as these are approved by Italy 's constitutional court , they must be put to the vote by mid-June .
21 ‘ There are certain eternal values which can not be put to referendum , ’ he announced .
22 But if disaster is to be averted , time bought needs to be put to good economic use .
23 Much early copper contains a small percentage of arsenic and this , arsenical copper , was the first alloy to be put to practical use throughout the ancient world .
24 A defence of this kind , a claim that the purpose was only to frighten and not to cause harm , requires the full definition to be put to the jury .
25 In practice , the issues may never be put to the test because it is very likely that other parties would succeed in preventing referenda , but it is still enough of a departure for some evangelical DUP activists to have been initially opposed to the change .
26 All Spaniards , and all those who sheltered them , he declared , were to be put to death .
27 Although Futurism succumbed to the ravages of the First World War and its surviving adherents were later to be put to flight by Mussolini , many of its observations and its leading artists , such as Severini , Picabia , Boccioni and Balla continue to inspire the main stream of modern art .
28 But Mr Livingstone is unlikely to gain the nomination of 55 Labour MPs necessary before his name can be put to Labour 's electoral college , which will meet on July 18 to choose a new leader .
29 Proposals to reduce nitrate would then be put to MAFF , which would in turn consult interested parties .
30 But when several such businesses are aggregated at a dockside location the economy of scale offered by the worldwide container business can be put to good advantage both in cost and speed by even the smallest manufacturing unit .
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