Example sentences of "[be] responsible for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When you 're responsible for one dog , you form a special partnership with him .
2 ‘ Do n't forget , ’ he had said , ‘ we 're responsible for your safety and for the safety of the kit .
3 Are you trying to deny you 're responsible for her condition ?
4 ‘ And you know the two foresters who live here in the village : they 're fine when they 're at home , but when they go to the village they 're responsible for , in Dolpo , I bet they carry on like all the others do , terrorizing people .
5 And remember — you 're responsible for the money even if you have n't had a notice .
6 This fella came over in an 18–30 steward 's blazer and he said , ‘ You 're responsible for me working here ’ .
7 Er well they 're responsible for all writing .
8 We 're responsible for some of its troubles — all right .
9 They 're responsible for the , for the present that they keep , they keep sending us this and that minister , and that .
10 Do n't complain because your boss is less visible than you would like — make sure YOU go out and about and are seen by the people you 're responsible for .
11 ‘ You 're responsible for Ana today , ’ she warned seriously .
12 ‘ You have n't forgotten you 're responsible for getting the tree , have you ? ’
13 Erm , the irony of the sort of split responsibility is that er one of the things that we have to obviously bear in mind with any future in erm extension of residents ' parking schemes is the cost , and er it 's interesting that the district council 's off-street er parking account erm for the area is , has got a reasonable surplus , and er well we as an authority 're responsible for , for off-street parking as well .
14 you 're responsible for those ?
15 The basis of our decision before was my people work very closely say take with the national account people in right , and the main objective there is to get as much business from the corporate accounts as they 're responsible for like or whoever .
16 It will tell you what you 're what you 're responsible for .
17 you 're responsible for mine and if I 'm at work I 'm responsible for yours , I wrote to the D H S S
18 Yeah and you 're responsible for it .
19 Erm , Simon , there 's one that 's come up right field in the fact that we mention , I think you might have got it 'cos you 're responsible for the Q P five , which talks about interim reports , services .
20 As long as you know you 're responsible for it and as long as Elizabeth knows that she 's gon na do it , that 's not a problem .
21 so they 're responsible for what you 're doing , okay
22 I mean there are over a thousand people , sometimes two thousand people there , and in this erm complex organisation I think headmasters are very important people ; they 're responsible for developing a style of organisation which is , I think , very significant .
23 I think by and large that will have no effect on us at all , since most of the independent films that we 're responsible for tend to go out under club showings and do not therefore need to have certificates .
24 The women are the vessels of a better spirit ; the injury to them is greater , and it is their own men who are responsible for some of that injury .
25 You are responsible for a field .
26 These are responsible for straightening , lifting and rotating the leg .
27 Among innumerable other tasks they are responsible for stamping the lead or paper seals which enclose wine bottle corks .
28 ‘ Ministers , assisted by their political advisers , are responsible for specifying the proposals to be costed , and for supplying any further interpretations or assumptions necessary .
29 It might be claimed that studying routine policing in Northern Ireland avoids the real issue of policing in the province and that attention ought to be addressed to those sections of the RUC which are responsible for what Turk ( 1982 ) calls ‘ political policing ’ and Brodeur ( 1983 ) ‘ high policing ’ , such as the Special Branch , the mobile support units , which are in effect riot police , or the various surveillance units like E4A .
30 While advocates of community policing express confidence in its ability to effect improvements ( Alderson 1979 , 1982 ; Scarman 1981 ) , research contradicts this by pointing to resistance from those constables who are responsible for it or to organizational constraints ( Fielding et al .
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