Example sentences of "[be] about [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Bebe 's kids are the nightmare invention of the late comedian Robin Harris , who 're about to be immortalised in their own network cartoon series .
2 ‘ They 're about to throw-in .
3 MAMMA Mia Morse — you 're about to be replaced by a roly-poly cop who can scoff a cannelloni faster than you can sink a pint .
4 This takes about six weeks — just as you 're about to hand in your notice , it suddenly clicks and they are doing it themselves without you having to say anything .
5 ‘ I had to get one , ’ he explained , ‘ because they 're about to be made illegal . ’
6 This is how these men make themselves into all those freak things where muscles bulge all over the place , they look as if they 're about to , I 'm not quite sure , they always remind of erm those balloons , you know , that pop off beach balls , they look a bit like that .
7 We understand they 're about to or shortly become grandparents .
8 ‘ I had to get one , ’ he explained , ‘ because they 're about to be made illegal . ’
9 For decades his complete diaries have been hidden in K-G-B files in Moscow — now they 're about to be serialised in the Sunday Times .
10 ‘ It 's a funny thing , my son , but I 've noticed that , when you 're about on a Friday , my counting is all wrong .
11 ‘ Well , for the first , as far as I 'm concerned they do n't go without the second , and for the second , I do n't believe I 'm about to be asked . ’
12 In response to a further query , he added irritably : ‘ Sure it 's about sex — what else would it be about with a title like that ? ’
13 What seems to be about to be a tour of London given by ‘ a real live Britisher , —
14 Yet it looks as if that most precious of ladies may be about to be raped — and what is more , by the very group of her countrymen set up to defend her honour and purity .
15 Furthermore , the constable may also arrest someone whom he or she suspects to be about to , or who is actually about to , commit an arrestable offence .
16 every citizen in whose presence a breach of the peace is being , or reasonably appears to be about to be , committed has the right to take reasonable steps to make the person who is breaking or threatening to break the peace refrain from doing so …
17 Someone with an elephant 's memory who might be about to finger Mills once and for all . ’
18 ‘ every citizen in whose presence a breach of the peace is being , or reasonably appears to be about to be , committed has the right to take reasonable steps to make the person who is breaking or threatening the peace refrain from doing so ; and those reasonable steps in appropriate cases will include detaining him against his will . ’
19 One of Britain 's most notorious criminal hideaways may be about to be demolished .
20 It was not unknown for Herbie Connors to be about at this time , and Yanto had done enough running for one night .
21 They just put me up for it and I just happened to be about at the time .
22 ‘ I think , ’ said Robert , ‘ that Islam is all about whatever Mr Malik wants it to be about on any particular day . ’
23 It 's gon na be about plus three , three plus .
24 And a little nervous that I am about to be ticked off for my unorthodox and amiable occupation of the Rosenbloom .
25 My heart , or what passes for one in demonic physiology , is in my mouth , for fear that I am about to be exiled from Rainbow Rosenbloom , and from Chinese food , movies and other earthly delights , for evermore .
26 ‘ People are very welcome to come and see what the teachings are about without any obligation . ’
27 Road pricing is now firmly established in Singapore and the windscreen stickers are about to be superseded by electronics .
28 The emphasis at this committee is on records which have just been released , or which are about to be released .
29 PLANS to reduce chronic delays in paying compensation for criminal injuries are about to be announced by the Home Secretary , Mr David Waddington , after criticism that some victims are having to wait more than two years for an award .
30 According to a Yugoslav newspaper report yesterday , which quoted Uefa 's vice-president Freddy Rumo , Dinamo are about to be disbanded .
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