Example sentences of "[be] found through " in BNC.

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1 They are found through most of South-East Asia , including Borneo .
2 More than 100 jobs have also been found through a community employment and enterprise centre set up in the shopping centre and through a residents-run job club .
3 The totems of American Indians , the carvings of Inouk , ancient bronze ritual vessels from China , and many more examples can be found through the world and the centuries .
4 The answer to the problem of anxiety and meaninglessness which is derived from this sense of estrangement , is to be found through love .
5 250g is 63 microns thick , and this stock gauge can be found through mail order suppliers , or at specialist plastics supply houses in larger cities .
6 The answer may be found through an examination of trends in land use .
7 Wholeness of body , mind and soul should be the prior concern of all Christians and they believe that this wholeness can be found through faith .
8 Assuming that a path can be found through the sometimes difficult terrain of the language , this book should show students the advantages to be gained from a collapse of boundaries between the disciplines of art and politics , and from a policy of inclusion rather than exclusion .
9 Put simply , rules of interpretation are to be found in answers to questions such as ‘ What is going on ? ’ or ‘ What does this mean ? ’ , whilst prescriptive rules are to be found through asking ‘ What should one do ? ’
10 Local tennis clubs can be found through the International Tennis Federation or the Lawn Tennis Association .
11 I have friends and relatives by marriage on all sides of this hateful and destructive conflict and I believe that , in the end , its solution will be found through reconciliation , firstly of individuals and then of communities .
12 Enthusiasm for such ideas has even now not completely evaporated ; voices advocating them can be found through the 1970s and 1980s and , in only marginally more sophisticated forms , at the present time :
13 Here the answer must be found through small-scale sustainable business initiatives — difficult to foster without the huge scale of corporate funding so often avalanched into the developing world , but modestly emerging never the less .
14 ‘ But , as Pythagoras said , ‘ Truth can only be found through experimentation . ’
15 A reputable agency can often be found through the Yellow Pages followed by a quick visit to the agent .
16 The solution for rm can not be found analytically and has to be found through numerical iteration using a computer or a programmable calculator .
17 Ahlgren ( 1982 ) describes the beginnings of this bilingualism where a ‘ formal description ’ of written and spoken language is being found through sign language .
18 It fits the mystique surrounding the man that the mineral deposits were found through apparent chance .
19 The volunteers were found through Spokes ’ own publicity .
20 Although each screen is deceptively complicated and takes a fair few attempts to solve , the solution is found through brain-power and not trial and error — once you 've solved a screen you 'll never forget how to do it .
21 Pupils are receiving occult teaching , and are studying the science of life — before going out into the larger world to relieve the stress of humanity , to teach mankind the Divine Wisdom , God 's Plan for the World , Evolution — to bring happiness to the unhappy , peace to the warring , and the only true happiness is found through service and brotherhood .
22 The way out of this dilemma is found through the device of representation : " In the grand discovery of modern times , the system of representation , the solution of all the difficulties , both speculative and practical , will perhaps be found . "
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