Example sentences of "[be] looking through " in BNC.

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1 I had been looking through Situations Vacant in the local newspaper : ‘ Secretarial assistance required …
2 ‘ I have been looking through the private Ledger , ’ Bragg said amiably .
3 ‘ I 've been looking through the cuttings on the inquest again , and she was identified by an aunt who lived in Herefordshire . ’
4 Antique dealers and bargain hunters have been looking through the belongings of the late Robert Maxwell .
5 Matt 's been looking through it for us , I 've not had a chance to look at it yet .
6 Even now I am looking through the chapter on the ‘ law ’ again : the question of colonial robbery ( p. 62 ) , ‘ the alienation … of the surplus product from all pre-socialist forms ’ ( p. 62 ) , ‘ the taxation of private capitalist profit ’ ( p. 64 ) , the question of state loans ( pp. 64–65 ) , currency emission ( p. 65 ) , railway tariffs ( p. 70 ) , the monopoly of the banking system and the credit policy ( pp. 70–73 ) , home and foreign trade ( pp. 73–84 ) , the ‘ prices policy ’ ( sic pp. 84–89 ) , and so on and so forth , with further argument on the theme that socialism is fighting against capitalism and in order to win it must accumulate at the expense of the private economy — and the more the better — this is the entire content of the work .
7 A sort of heat haze , as opposed to the intense burning sensation of the stripe paintings , emerges as if we are looking through a veil or over a great distance at flat lands .
8 They are looking through the directory board in the foyer of the RCA building , reading aloud to each other all the names of firms they find ridiculous ( ‘ How about this ?
9 Everyone seems in a real hurry , even when they 're looking through books .
10 ‘ The work is an incredible carrier of anxiety , ’ John Caldwell , curator for painting and sculpture at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art , says of the Biennale piece , ‘ In a pornographic movie , the people never look at the camera because we need to sense that we 're looking through a window , we 're safe , we 're the voyeur .
11 If you 'd like to have a a quick look through those while I 'm er , please ask any questions while you 're looking through , and I 'll ask any questions that I 'll need to here .
12 so remember that , do when you do the bearings if you 're doing some , erm examples , or you 're looking through , or you 're doing some revision , get up , stand up , and think , right what 's to think of , oh it 's not there , like if I 'm taking a bearing on these flowers , it 's , well , just that much in it , you know ,
13 We 're looking through that Mary .
14 The shape seemed to be looking through a book , although what the book was Henry could not tell .
15 But he was not looking down at her , his gaze was remote ; he seemed to be looking through the window into the darkness of the garden .
16 And waking up about a quarter past ten , go downstairs and make tea and toast takes the paper up , I take Freeman 's catalogue put the , the wireless on and he 's looking through the paper and I 'm looking through Freeman 's catalogue saying
17 They were looking through a box of embroidery threads when the child started to cry .
18 Terry had taken off his trousers by now , and two women in the cast were looking through a gap in the curtain as he prepared to propagate his analysis of Pyke .
19 Russell 's eyes followed her every move as if he were looking through the sight of a gun .
20 We were looking through that and erm Mr was the first er County Librarian in East Suffolk
21 erm it 's an old one and it 's called Fancy Fish and we were sorting our videos out to list 'em and then we 'll make a list and then we 'd let you have and then if you want a video and that , you know what you got and we were looking through this Fancy Fish and it 's erm I do n't know if you remember it , it shows an open show at Oxford
22 Below decks ( this is looking through the engine room ) the additional size of the prototype is obvious — as is the amount of plumbing , piping and wiring needed to provide a reliable All- weather lifeboat .
23 She 's looking through this rack of suits so I go and give her a hand .
24 She 's looking through the dress rail .
25 Elinor 's looking through the records for another tango to practise with Nigel .
26 He 's looking through a window , erm any advance on that ?
27 And waking up about a quarter past ten , go downstairs and make tea and toast takes the paper up , I take Freeman 's catalogue put the , the wireless on and he 's looking through the paper and I 'm looking through Freeman 's catalogue saying
28 I was looking through the material again last night : it 's unique !
29 He could not make out its face but saw it was looking through the book he had just found with the complicated title .
30 Laplace was looking through his telescope , and Napoleon asked him if he could recognise the Deity through it .
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