Example sentences of "[be] doing as " in BNC.

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1 Okay , have a go at it and we 'll come round and correct what you 're doing as you 're doing it , alright , so you want to pad over the wound to keep infection out and then try to get your bandage on top of that to keep the dressing in place .
2 And we 're doing as well as anyone in Europe .
3 However , I am doing as the Daily Mirror suggested , and am contacting you in the hope that you can give me the answer .
4 But this is so different to what I 'd been doing as it is for most people .
5 Now going back into the Hebrew scriptures , you 'll find there that this sort of staying awake counsel , an idea was there long before the days of Jesus and the Apostles and people 's lives were involved in its state , even in those days , let's just let us have a look at one , Isaiah forty two eighteen to twenty now this terms it slightly different , but when you look at it and analyze it , you realize he 's talking about exactly the same thing , it 's regarding the nation of Israel who turned away from Jehovah , they were n't doing what they should be doing , or should 've been doing as he 's pleading with them look there , that look here , here you deaf ones , well we know the nation of Israel were n't all physically deaf , they were like we are , perhaps had a few deaf individuals amongst them , but
6 However , it is important to keep your fellow campaigners in other groups informed of what you are doing as the likelihood is that they will read your releases and help circulate them further .
7 A learning technique in which individuals perform a series of sequential actions and say what they are doing as they perform each action .
8 ‘ You can not always guarantee that you will always be in control of what you are doing as we live in a culture that is soaked in violence , and so it seems to think that violence is acceptable , even normal . ’
9 But even in the 1860s , the notion that a " mere girl " might learn the trade very quickly and be doing as well as a man in a short time , was not only a threat to employment but a threat to the craftsman 's pride in his skill .
10 The other question , however , as to what exactly I am supposed to be doing as I sit here , is plainly still a live issue — which is the reason for this intolerably circumstantial disquisition .
11 Yes Mr Chairman erm I understand the motive behind this proposal resolution but I think the mover perhaps is unaware of what 's actually going on and have to decide and so I would like to speak against this resolution and I think the constructive thing to do so we do n't send the wrong messages would be to er I , I will move an amendment er and I will explain what I 'm doing as I speak .
12 Oh I 've got bags of time I reckon to make notes on what I 'm doing as we talk here .
13 But if we were doing as we do a lot of jobs like that and I had to go round and estimate every one it would cost me more to go round and estimate than it would to do the jobs .
14 He had a blinding headache and simply was n't thinking of what he was doing as he swung the car off the slip road to enter the motorway .
15 And that was exactly what the radiologist was doing as he slowly ran his sensor over my stomach .
16 Advisedly or otherwise , the Regent Douglas was doing as he had part-proposed .
17 Turning away from a regard that seemed faintly menacing , she tried to look as though she knew what she was doing as she rearranged some sweaters .
18 What , what , what he said no doubt P C was looking after his troops and he was n't paying as much attention to what I was doing as I was taking .
19 He stooped to replenish the stove then came to look at what she was doing as she finished off a row .
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