Example sentences of "[be] thus a " in BNC.

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1 The pollsters ' findings on the economy 's future are thus a fair measure of businessmen 's thinking — but little guide to what will actually occur .
2 There are thus a considerable number who appear in the autobiographies as simple vignettes .
3 The 10,300 parish priests whose job it is to man these churches are thus a rather scant resource .
4 Written exchanges with source markers omitted are thus a good example of the way in which the disembedded nature of all texts converts what might be an easy comprehension task into a difficult one .
5 For example , a few of the sub-divisions of -07 are Thus a publication dealing with experimental research in foundation engineering would be classified 624.150724 if the librarian felt that such a fine classification was necessary .
6 Post-audits are thus a means of evaluating management expertise .
7 There are thus a total of six constituent AOs , and we shall find six MOs formed from them .
8 Miners are thus a high risk group for the development of gastric cancer and gastroscopic screening could give a significant yield of early gastric cancers .
9 Market loans account for some 26 per cent of banks ' sterling assets and are thus a major source of liquidity to individual banks .
10 They are thus a simple mechanism of reducing banks ' liquidity and hence the amount of lending that banks can safely do .
11 Luckily , he had a correspondent in his brother Theo in whom he could confide and with whom he could explore ideas about art ; the letters are thus an invaluable source of interpretation .
12 The claims of 1298 are thus an acknowledgement that the relationship created by the treaty of Paris of 1259 could break down , but only when an assertive and belligerent French monarchy acted to enforce its rights .
13 The competitive individualism of the growth regions of the country , and the retreat of the collectivist ideologies of ‘ the north ’ are thus an essential part of the emergence of neo-Fordism in its current form .
14 In this discussion , Poulantzas relies on a counterfactual claim to defend his view that the peasantry had a pertinent effect at the political level — namely Bonapartism — and were thus a distinct class .
15 Of the ‘ scholar patriots ’ perhaps one can say that , instead , they helped to awaken the national consciousness ; and in the evening of his life Phan Boi Chau , in a moving analogy in which Vietnam was likened to an orphan child which by this time should have learned to walk and France to a tutor who felt that the child was easier to control when he was unable to run , talked of a people whose traditional values had been destroyed and who were thus a generation of uprooted people on their own soil .
16 Among other things , they had no fixed income , which was a definite stipulation , and were thus a definite threat to the older orders .
17 Holidays with her were thus a very full as well as a very rewarding experience .
18 Real wage rises were thus a product of the competitive process whereby more efficient firms drove out weaker rivals to obtain both labour and markets , which less efficient producers would otherwise have hung on to .
19 The rights of parents in relation to their children were thus an issue .
20 Van Gogh as the subject for a biographer is thus a test case .
21 The catalogue as a whole is thus a document in the history of taste , a historical account , and at the same time contains some art criticism , not always explicit in evaluating the works shown .
22 It is thus a contribution to biography , not to criticism .
23 This reflexivity , what Woolgar more accurately calls benign introspection ( p. 22 ) , is thus a virtue rather than a limitation because it provides some of the necessary contextual background to help evaluate the study .
24 The British system of popular government is thus a system of unpopular government — a consequence of this electoral cycle .
25 The IATTC observer programme is thus a fairly pointless exercise , since the true data are not obtainable and violations are hushed up , proving the power of the tuna industry to silence the truth .
26 There is thus a trend towards phasing out their use in commercial fisheries in favour of other methods like longlining and trolling , which land a better quality product , without the unwelcome incidental catch of non-target species .
27 It is thus a powerful body .
28 The value of professionality is that it focuses attention upon the activities of teachers in relation to pupils , each other and their organisations and it is thus a dynamic concept in opposition to the rather static ‘ characteristics ’ or ‘ descriptive ’ approach inherent in most studies of professionalism .
29 Managing effective teams is thus a matter of achieving synergy between a variety of elements ( see Figure 5.2 ) .
30 Appraisal is thus a process of negotiating individual targets in order to improve personal performance and so enhance the quality of educational provision .
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