Example sentences of "[be] able at " in BNC.

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1 There is no point in reading quickly , however , unless you are able at the same time to take in the meaning of what you are reading .
2 Whether senior buyers are able at the same time to exercise an influencing and decision making role will depend on organisational factors .
3 therefore letting , opening the door wide open to , who are able at the moment on the current generation of platforms , and the next generation .
4 ‘ The bag is gone forever but I have been able at least to recover this . ’
5 Many is the time I have been able at my grandmother 's table to lick my fingers after eating a cream coronet upon a precedent established by good Queen Mary who had been observed doing such a thing by no less than my grandmother when visiting the big house .
6 The pope acknowledges Oswiu 's conversion to orthodoxy and the Roman Easter , thanks him for the gifts he has sent but grieves that the bearer of these gifts had died in Rome , and regrets that he has not been able at the time of writing to find someone suitable to send as Wigheard 's replacement .
7 You want to be able at any time to get into the box , perhaps to change the battery , and you want to be able to flip the lid ( the field ) back as though it was on a hinge in order to do this .
8 In this sense , the Panopticon was , as Foucault ( 1979 p 149 ) identified , a building whose design was simultaneously architectural , functional and hierarchical , and whose purposes were ( p 143 ) : " to establish presences and absences , to know where and how to locate individuals , to set up useful communications , to interrupt others , to be able at each moment to supervise the conduct of each individual , to assess it , to judge it , to calculate its qualities or merits .
9 I think Lazlo introduced this , to us , very refreshing sort of sound that he wanted to achieve and we were able at the beginning to quite take people by surprise with this what was described as a young , fresh sound , and we did quite a number of recordings .
10 At least I was able at future lectures to raise a laugh by pointing out that by printing chapter 15 first the Report provided an example of the pervasive influence of post-structuralism .
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