Example sentences of "[be] meet the " in BNC.

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1 A meeting between the union and Bull is set for Tuesday , and the two are to meet the judge again on March 18 .
2 Although in its current form participation in the scheme is voluntary , companies will need to sign up in numbers if they are to meet the mandatory rules which might come into play towards the turn of the century .
3 For example , the IMF calculates that the public spending curbs required if EC governments are to meet the 3% PSBR : GDP target by 1996 , will slow growth across the EC by 0.4 to 0.8 percentage points a year between 1993 and 1996 ( Wolf , 1992 ) .
4 The second of these conclusions is important if teachers and syllabuses are to meet the objectives of mathematics education which are outlined by Cockcroft in relation to relevance .
5 If as a union we are to meet the challenges that lie ahead , then please support this resolution .
6 UNION leaders are to meet the Government next week to try to reach a deal on the ‘ costly chaos ’ of workers moving from public employers to private contractors .
7 One of the more pleasant surprises , on a protracted visit to The Towers in January , had been to meet the new bride at the Hall .
8 One of the rising stars of motor racing has been to meet the men who 've put him and his car back in the running for success .
9 The Swindon Town manager Glenn Hoddle has been meeting the club 's directors amid rumours that he 's about to move to Chelsea .
10 Police and charity commissioners investigating the disappearance of thousands of pounds of funds have been meeting the trustee who raised the alarm .
11 Regular — and open — reviews of how we are meeting the challenge of want should be a feature of modern government .
12 The water decade has succeeded in forcing engineers , both in consultancies and in governments , to question whether their designs and ideas are meeting the needs of people in developing countries .
13 With each attack , it is as if they are meeting the distasteful animal tor the first time .
14 Remember the successes , remember the positive improvements ( even look back to six months ago and find it difficult to believe how much better you are meeting the challenge of hearing loss ) and then tell yourself , quite truthfully , that you are growing every day in con
15 ‘ On top of that , you are meeting the most beautiful — or handsome — people all the time .
16 ‘ We are meeting the goals we have set for ourselves in returning Digital to profitability and growth , ’ said president and chief executive Robert Palmer .
17 Fairfax and Claudia are meeting the Masai .
18 The major institutions of society are justified by the belief that they are meeting the functional prerequisites of the social system .
19 IT Division is organising the 1991 JFIT Conference at UMIST on the 9th–11th July with the primary aim of discussing objectives of the JFIT programmes and they way in which they are meeting the requirements of users .
20 The theme of the 1991 JFIT Conference is ‘ steering research towards user requirements ’ and the main aim of the Conference will be to discuss the objectives of the programmes funded under JFIT and assess the ways in which they are meeting the requirements of the users .
21 Far from giving up trying , doctors are meeting the targets .
22 Garages like Tyre Sales in Abingdon are meeting the Tesco challenge head on ; slashing prices to match the supermarket chain 's move to sell petrol for under two pounds a gallon .
23 Morland says most of its tenants are meeting the sales targets but those landlords faced with fines say the lights on their pubs could soon be going out for good ..
24 OFFICERS from a Sussex prison are meeting the Governor to discuss the problem of drug and alcohol misuse among inmates .
25 There 's usually some , some mums who are meeting the school and and walking dogs at the same time .
26 I am meeting the manufacturers again early in March .
27 I am meeting the manufacturers again this Wednesday , and I shall ask what progress they have made .
28 These are applications which you wrote ten years ago and they may have been written in a an old like COBOL , but they meet a business need and if they 're meeting the business need day in day out then why should you replace them ?
29 I think we are providing a good service here and we 're meeting the needs of people erm we are providing a service on Thursday , Friday , Saturday and Sunday now at the times which are identified by officers as the crucial times when people actually need the service .
30 Moreover , measures such as the Gini coefficient treat inequalities at different points in the income distribution as equivalent , whereas many development economists have argued that the goal of economic aid should be to meet the basic needs of all the citizens in any country ; this usually involves focusing on how well a society is doing by its poorest members .
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