Example sentences of "[be] all sort " in BNC.

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1 My hands are real cold cos I lost my gloves and my fingers wo n't work proper — they 're all sort of numb .
2 My toes are froze — they 're all sort of numb .
3 They do n't work so well on account of how swollen they are — they 're all sort of purply and itchy .
4 They 're really curled up more than like a normal baby are n't they , they 're all sort of , you know , foetal position .
5 Erm metal oxides , metal the oxides , differences see , this is the thing they 're all sort of quite keen on , so some of the important metals here .
6 And we 're going to go through them , you do n't necessarily need to write them all down because there is such a lot , but , because they 're all sort of shown individually here .
7 I think handouts ma you you 're all sort of absolutely your eyes lit up when the little handouts came round .
8 Er they 're , they 're all sort of in into erm inter-rela yes , they 're all inter-related though are n't they ?
9 And they 're all sort of brummie type people you know ?
10 When they get old they 're all sort of
11 Well yes they 're all sort of bubbly to get out there
12 But like just for you to know that , I mean , at the moment , got a slight shortage of staff and , us little Express girlies are like , we 're all sort of desperate to please them well , and because we need to , if a customer rings we 're always there for them and the problem is , I 've got like two phones on my desk at the moment , so , I could guarantee the minute I put my phone down , if anybody else is on the phone ha , bloody phone 's still ringing , I have got to answer it .
13 They 're all sort of standard sort of size pieces of kit .
14 And , and they 're all sort of preserved and they 're all to bring down clean .
15 So we 're all sort of in the same , very
16 Cos er , all the ones they have on the trains have got like Strawberry Hill and all the , that 's all included , but then you buy a general map and we 're all sort of cut off .
17 I mean , erm , you know , at least we 're all sort of easy walking distance of one another .
18 So y y y you , you , you , you 've got at least three things which are all sort of brewing up there and you think good grief what a , what a , what a state to be in because the poor doctor does n't know what on earth to do , poor Jan does n't know , well it 's worse for Jan cos she 's sitting there thinking I 'm going potty or , you know , ca n't stand properly or you know is leaning over or , or numb down one side of her face or , or or whatever it was , it was i i it was the , the dizziness I think actually which which was most alarming .
19 I do n't I mean I know I I 'm very busy , I 've got stuff that I should have done , months and months ago , that I have n't got round to doing yet , cos there 's been all sort of interruptions .
20 there 'll be all sort of interruptions and
21 When we went , it was really funny , when we went to do the , the talk erm , afterwards when we were all sort of getting together and having a chat , they 're telling me about , they do artificial , they artificial inseminate pigs
22 ‘ Oh , there were all sort of political reasons .
23 And I I noticed with interest er I 'm really going shifting right back to er last week here , er the Housebuilders ' Federation er were all sort of putting the reverse argument forward .
24 Erm , I 'm I 'm never sure about Bishops and Archbishops , erm I remember Archbishop Runcie once commenting about er , an activity that took place at the installation of a Bishop and it 's , I gather , I mean I 've , I have n't actually been to one , but if you 're Bishop or an Archbishop when they act to the triumph and act of installation took place there were you 'll find that the person was surrounded by Bishops and they were all sort of looking in on this er , this body that was gon na be installed and somebody once asked what are they doing ?
25 That 's our single biggest cost , cos as I say , I had three quotes in total , and they were all sort of between thirteen and twenty three .
26 James right like Mr right he did n't know right and we have this sort of erm water fountain and he was running towards it and he , and he filled up his mouth with it and he was spitting it everywhere and we were all sort of getting out the way and Mr told him if you do n't want to drink it then leave it alone and he sort of turned and walked away .
27 And what struck me was that the costumes were all sort of like you see portraits of Elizabethan dress .
28 Jackie he was he was looking he was for something and he was looking for something in a hurry and I could n't find out I like T-shirts in one pile sweat shirts in another pullovers in another jeans in another but they were all sort of
29 And what struck me was that the costumes were all sort of like you see portraits of Elizabethan dress .
30 See that would have to be all darkened down that See that light bit of the wood , that 's got to be all darkened down and brought up The colours is all sort of you see , matching and that .
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