Example sentences of "[be] [be] said " in BNC.

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1 The reaction of parents to infants , and of friends to the speech of those who are gravely ill , is to attribute meaning to any murmur which can be interpreted as relevant to the context of situation , and , if at all possible , to interpret what appears to be being said as constituting a coherent message , permitting the hearer to construct a coherent interpretation .
2 In this context it is interesting to compare the remarks of 100 teachers in 100 research studies with comments I have heard from other arts teachers since , because in most cases similar things are being said now , even after the first round of the GCSE .
3 Irrespective of the things that are being said tonight , I think we 've got ta look at the reasons for all these bombings and shootings .
4 Irrespective of the things that are being said tonight , I think we 've got ta look at the reasons for all these bombings and shootings .
5 Knowing that these and similar things are being said , in order to commemorate past deeds , so that they may come to the notice of future generations , I have not been able to hide the struggles of the wicked or the lives of those who have lived righteously , even in much uncultivated speech .
6 I think Berkshire had a very rough ride and others too and they 're saying exactly the sorts of things that are being said in this county and it may be the last strategic plan on the county too , so it 's a very important document .
7 By the time that the Book of Isaiah was written however , things were being said about Israel 's God that could not be said of any other , and this led increasingly to the claim that the God of Israel is the only one that exists .
8 In most homes in the area , prayers were being said for the deliverance of a husband , father , son or brother , and several families had more than one man involved .
9 The reality that those things were being said of her was just beyond her comprehension , and for myself I have never heard something so outrageous in all my life . ’
10 For instance he read every morning newspaper before midnight on the previous day ( in contrast to Harold Macmillan who claimed not to read newspapers ) and as a result he went to bed fully — and very ill-advisedly — informed of the disagreeable things that were being said about him , since almost all the papers had Tory proprietors and Tory-inclined editors .
11 Prayers were being said today at William Stockton Primary School in Ellesmere Port where Lee was a well-loved pupil .
12 Sure , they 're more upfront , but it takes time to actually understand what 's being said .
13 When the bass cuts in we 're in dirty funk horizons , and even if you ca n't make out what 's being said , it sounds as urgent as life .
14 Maintain an open questioning attitude to what 's being said .
15 Well , I ca n't let you listen to what 's being said in the entire house without having access to the entire house .
16 And of course , in spite of everything that 's being said , the thing about was that because of the two railway stations you could get anywhere in half or three quarters of an hour .
17 As Julia explains : ‘ I can differentiate between light and dark and I can hear voices , though not what 's being said , with my ‘ ears ’ in . ’
18 ‘ You think I do n't have the right to know what 's being said behind my back ? ’
19 The th there may be an argument , and I do n't know the details of what 's being said here , and I certainly would not defend any sort of the highest level of enquiry .
20 That 's what 's being said .
21 Well as a the reflector is they actually learn from situations where they get the opportunity to sit back to watch to think about what 's being said so they digest in information for themselves .
22 Yes , erm , on paragraph three erm , the , the last sentence erm , where it says without direct access to its own balances , the authority may therefore have to make revised precept in ninety four , ninety five erm , I understand what 's being said there , but any organization needs to actually work within er , a clearly defined budget .
23 Now , what 's being said here in that particular sentence , is that there are obviously going to be , or possibly could be occasions when er , the Police Authority has er , an overspend , which is an immediate problem for instance , on pensions , and you 've heard the er , Fire Service Chief talking about his problems .
24 And the the logic of what 's being said there is effectively to abandon the flexitime scheme out of , for working out of office hours , .
25 has already crapped himself about the visit cause extra work of course but er the er however we should er revert maybe we 'll keep an eye on the schedule and things er but we we need to tie it up tight so we do n't get a cos I mean what 's being said now in the corridors of power is that the schedule is totally sales driven and it 's the sales department that 's put it together , I am only the administrator , I only I d I completely take my orders from the sales department quote unquote in front of everybody at the management meeting .
26 Because if you do n't , if do n't do a word by word translation , as some of you did , you , you may miss the meaning of certain words , and that might totally alter your perception of what 's being said , and then what you should , wh when you 've done a literal translation , you will have a very stiff erm , u unusual version of it , written in modern English vocabulary but you 'll find that word ordering and things like that wo n't be appropriate , and sometimes the vocabulary are n't the kind of words that would normally be used now .
27 A presenter , after all , knows that a viewer has the visual evidence to check on what is being said .
28 I am convinced that many students often do not understand what is being said in teaching situations , though they become adept at pretending to , as they do not wish to lose face .
29 Few would doubt that the same is being said at Mercedes .
30 None of this is being said to arouse , in any way , pity for East Germany 's former Communist leaders , who have so thoroughly disappointed their people and betrayed the ideals of socialism .
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