Example sentences of "[be] [adv] giving " in BNC.

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1 If your net margin on sales is 10 per cent and the discount offered for early payment is 2.5 per cent , you are effectively giving away a quarter of your profit .
2 It just shows how much people take for granted in contemporary society where kissing has become as ordinary as a handshake and the media are constantly giving us the message that sex is only exciting if it is different or forbidden .
3 And so the media are constantly giving the impression that there 's something that the British government should be doing .
4 Nor is it the case that in saying ‘ I promise to meet you ’ I am merely giving expression to — or reporting or describing — an inward , mental act .
5 In saying ‘ Do such-and-such ’ I am not giving expression to a belief .
6 ‘ I am not giving her up .
7 No , I am not giving way .
8 I am not giving way .
9 I am just giving priority to those who were most instrumental in shaping my life and my general outlook in all matters appertaining to living .
10 Strategic uses of networks are already giving companies extraordinary competitive advantages .
11 Indeed , many pension schemes are already giving these increases on a guaranteed basis .
12 There are a number of aspects about this privatisation which are already giving cause for alarm .
13 Naturally , you can not say you are not giving credit because you think the applicant is not trustworthy .
14 The auctioneers Phillips have asked us to point out that they are not giving up on the continent , although they are reducing their representation there ( The Art Newspaper No. 21 October 1992 , p. 27 ) .
15 We are not giving them special instructions to sell into schools , and in the main it is run on a party plan approach . ’
16 New products are not giving the return on investment that is the company norm .
17 It may be that you are not giving yourself enough challenge in the learning goals you set yourself , and that you are attaining them without any stretching of your ability .
18 ‘ You are not giving us a chance .
19 The Government are not giving the police the tools they need to do the job , certainly in south Wales .
20 Certainly looking that way by Forest are not giving up until that final whistle .
21 They also believe that the northern industrialised countries and the larger developing countries are not giving sufficient priority to preventing the rise of sea levels .
22 Try reading it , try reading it some time because what it says to the people of is , if you do n't like the level of services being provided by your Council , if you feel your Council are not giving you value for money , then we 're gon na give you the right to complain about it and do something .
23 First , the family are not giving him any legal ‘ threat ’ .
24 Distinguished artists Benjamin Luxon ( baritone ) , Linda Finnie ( mezzo soprano ) , Robert Cohen ( cello ) and Sir Charles Groves ( conductor ) are generously giving their services free , and the programme with its maritime theme will include Elgar 's Sea Pictures , Stanford 's Songs of the Sea , Arne 's Rule Britannia and a unique performance of Lord Berner 's The Triumph of Neptune , from his famous ballet for the Diaghilev company .
25 Sotheby 's are generously giving their services free for both these events and proceeds will go to The Ladies League , The Royal Hospital for Sick Children .
26 →Yeah , but you 're only giving us half the story .
27 I mean if they 're only giving three marks for it you 're not going to do a lot of geometry and all sorts of constructions and complicated things .
28 Yeah , but you 're only giving us the
29 but Julia said to me before she came round with Hayden she said er , cos her mum and dad are still there , not her mum and dad , her mum and step dad are still there , they 're only giving them forty pounds for nine weeks , forty pounds towards the mortgage like you know , been there since after Christmas and erm , anyway she said ooh she said , Steve said er , that 's her husband , said to me ooh is n't Emily well mannered she said , she does n't walk in the house , she waits in the doorstep you know
30 Well , we 've I would like we 're basically giving you all your cow requirement and all your oil requirement .
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