Example sentences of "[be] [adv] suggested " in BNC.

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1 In recent years it has been widely suggested that our prisons are in a ‘ state of crisis ’ , a situation made worse by inadequate means for monitoring what the prisons are doing , and a lack of formal safeguards against bad practices .
2 Despite assurances from US Defence Secretary Dick Cheney that only the Okinawa and German weapons would be destroyed at Johnston , the fear persisted in many Pacific countries that the USA would abandon plans to build incinerators on the American mainland and would use the Johnston facility much more widely than had been hitherto suggested .
3 These are merely suggested guidelines , and individual organisations may find other uses for the description section .
4 In the context of such a history , how are we to interpret our local sensation , the death of an obscure Englishman , who acted as house agent , courier , travel guide , purveyor of groceries in short supply , house-sitter and , it has been daringly suggested , pimp to the English army of occupation in Chiantishire ?
5 It must be admitted that concepts referring to unseen processes tend to acquire additional meanings that are not suggested by the evidence they are intended to explain ( see MacCorquodale & Meehl , 1948 ) .
6 We were some 4-500 yards from the villa , not in the garden as has been repeatedly suggested .
7 A role of the balance between the activity of pro and anti-nucleating protein has been also suggested to be a differentiating factor for the nucleation time .
8 Such feelings are also suggested when the Cousin first meets the Young Girl in The Invitation .
9 A technique for compiling such dictionaries is described , and the assessment of this technique together with the nature of domains in general are also suggested as areas for further research .
10 Guide books are arranged to suit the convenience of the traveller , for whom routes round a city or a site are often suggested .
11 Three reasons are often suggested for this , one strictly electoral , one relating to the fiscal situation in each State , and the third reflecting wider attitudes , in particular attitudes of southern whites towards blacks .
12 The large mammals , especially the leopard and the tiger , are strongly reminiscent of the Woodchester Orpheus mosaic ( in drawings the latter are often suggested to be finer but they are of comparable quality to those of the Barton mosaic ) .
13 It can not be sensibly suggested that an estate agent is contractually bound to disclose to any one of his principals information which is confidential to another of his principals .
14 Two points are strongly suggested by the foregoing sketch of observation via the sense of sight , points that are key ones for the inductivist .
15 The figures are left in the orange colour of the clay , the background painted in round them in the shiny black : a purely decorative variation ; and it has been plausibly suggested that the strange ‘ negative ’ idea was inspired by the custom of washing the background of marble reliefs with a blue or red against which the mainly white figures were left standing out .
16 It has been tentatively suggested that they , together possibly with their timber predecessors , formed part of a military enclave within the civilian town , thus perhaps resembling Corbridge ( see p. 60 ) with its two military arsenals .
17 Provisions not identified below as being required by the Companies Act or as being necessary to ensure a practice 's ability to comply with the Rules are simply suggested by way of guidance ; practitioners should be aware that other approaches may be taken to the matters covered by such provisions .
18 Provisions not identified below as being required by the Companies Act or as being necessary to ensure a practice 's ability to comply with the Rules are simply suggested by way of guidance ; practitioners should be aware that other approaches may be taken to the matters covered by such provisions .
19 Although the former heads of the two securities houses added little to their previous statements , Tabuchi admitted on Aug. 29 that Nomura 's links with Japan 's organized crime syndicates , which had been revealed in July [ see p. 38342 ] , were currently under investigation and might prove to have been more extensive than had been initially suggested .
20 Social factors are then suggested as somehow additional to this essentially technical breakthrough : ‘ The extensive diffusion of the alphabet in Greece was also materially assisted by various social , economic and technological factors ’ ( ibid. p. 41 ) ( my emphasis ) .
21 Coping strategies which are sometimes suggested , like making a mental agreement with yourself or even an actual arrangement with the other party , to stand over an arm 's length away and promise not to move from your spot , are sensible if the temperature really soars .
22 These are sometimes suggested if a baby has an allergy to cow 's milk or if the parents are vegans , and is made from a soya bean protein ( an example is Wysoy ) .
23 Improved bus services with co-ordinated timetables were widely suggested in the 1976 Green Paper on Transport Policy and in the response of British Railways ' Board to this , Opportunity for Change .
24 These seven pieces of work were designed to enable across-class comparison and analysis , but over fifty other topic-related activities involving art work , mathematics , science , music , environmental studies and various kinds of research were also suggested in order to give each class and its teacher a measure of autonomy over the way their work progressed .
25 Here the letters D and BAL ( the D must be the last letter of the word GRAND ) were probably suggested by a dance hall poster hanging in a bar , and help to convey a ‘ cafe ’ atmosphere .
26 Barton proposed a formalism to reconstruct surface structures from photoelectron diffraction patterns , and scattering-factor corrections were later suggested for object waves .
27 These meetings were originally suggested during the 1860s as a solution for visitors who could not manage to visit individual homes regularly enough .
28 Halpin ( 1980 ) , for example , questions their similarity with the APU lines of development which , because they were tentatively suggested , were specifically not intended as a curriculum model .
29 Names and schools have been freely suggested , but where one guess is as good as another one had better ignore them all .
30 no. 13 ) , here presented as a preparatory study for the St Petersburg painted version , rather than a drawing after the Russian canvas made as a study for the variant painting now in Munich , as has been previously suggested .
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