Example sentences of "[be] [adj] fewer " in BNC.

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1 Ms Abbott pointed out that although there are 12,000 fewer voters on her Hackney North and Stoke Newington register , only 55 per cent of registered voters visited the ballot box in June 1987 .
2 There are many fewer two-earner households , so the ‘ housewife effect ’ may be important .
3 While it is true that working class politics is highly individualistic and subject to the so-called free rider problem , there are many fewer problems for capital .
4 Charlie Malone , a shop steward and one of the sacked workers , promised that by the end of the campaign there would be 300 fewer people on the dole .
5 Shop-workers ' wages would rise by £50 a year , but there would be 5,000 fewer of them than there are now .
6 Authors are not supposed to avenge themselves in their writings , but they do , and if they were to be prevented , there would be far fewer books .
7 Although they are likely to be far fewer , items of income — for instance , lettings — are also likely to be identified in any budget format .
8 If everyone could look after their own , there would be far fewer people like social workers running around looking after other people 's own .
9 Someone once said , ‘ If fish could scream , there would be far fewer anglers . ’
10 Advancement into ‘ management ’ will be the exception , for the simple reason that there will be far fewer middle-management positions to move into .
11 If that were done , there would be far fewer appeals .
12 But there are twelve fewer non-North American galleries this year , and forty-two dealers nearly twenty-five per cent of the fair are here for the first time .
13 Without the slightest doubt , there are far fewer gestures in the world than there are individuals .
14 There are far fewer species in the oceans than on land , however , because there are no marine equivalents of the forest trees ; and it is the trees that provide such a myriad of habitats for land-based creatures .
15 There are far fewer areas in the simulated map about which one would risk a definitive statement than in the map from the unsimulated process .
16 There are far fewer organic farmers concentrating on livestock then there are on arable and vegetable crops .
17 Immediately the tarmac is soft and muddy , brown water gutters between the road and the wood and corrugated iron houses on each side , there are far fewer lights , open shop fronts are also cheap eating places and tiny spaces for sleeping .
18 When we turn from personal evangelism to community-focused church-based evangelism there are far fewer books which provide practical help in this area .
19 His attack is therefore two-pronged : to argue that there are far fewer genuine universals than had been thought , and to explain away the remaining ones in ways more plausible than Chomsky 's .
20 Consequently in many liberal democracies there are far fewer socialist or radical mass media outlets than left-wing voting strength in the electorate might suggest ( Harrop , 1984 ) .
21 The opportunities for bureaucrats in the UK to subvert or negate the wishes of elected officials are far fewer and more limited in scope than is the case in the diffused , more open and non-hierarchical structures of the federal administration in the United States .
22 There are far fewer studies of the incidence of dementia .
23 Chinnery ( 1991 ) points out that there are far fewer people employed in the caring services in the United Kingdom than the recommended 3 per cent , and that most of them manage to ‘ pass ’ as able-bodied .
24 Today there are far fewer music publishers than previously in Britain .
25 ‘ It 's cheaper than experimenting on people , and there are far fewer risks and restrictions .
26 Beyond the defended area , there are far fewer side-streets and lanes and occupation was concentrated along the main road frontages .
27 But the numbers deciding in favour of contraception are far fewer than might be predicted from a simple comparison of relative death risks .
28 Now in Esquipulas funerals are far fewer .
29 — there are far fewer letters than sounds , so that , for example , the five written vowels have to stand for two to three times as many spoken vowels ;
30 There are far fewer mosaics of fourth century date in this region than there are in the West Country .
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