Example sentences of "[be] [adj] story " in BNC.

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1 There had been conflicting stories as to whether Anthony had been intended , Wells having gone on record as saying he had been conceived in a moment of carelessness , professor Gordon Ray , who edited the West-Wells correspondence , as saying it was a deliberate attempt by Wells to keep Rebecca with him , and Rebecca herself as saying , ‘ Wells cheated me of all but one child . ’
2 Newspapers are full of messages that appeal to our concepts of status : profiles of high-status people in the qualities and ‘ how the mighty are fallen'-type stories in the tabloids .
3 This is my first letter to this magnificent mailing networky thing ( except it is'nt really because i had one sent back the other day , but that s another story ) This is also going to be my last for a while as I 'm going back home to newcastle tomorrow .
4 He said , ‘ There are some stories which say that I am not quite right in the head and some that I am full of evil powers .
5 The floppy fringes and pouting lips of the respective lead singers are another story entirely .
6 Parables are simple stories , easy both to listen to and understand .
7 Some Christians claim that the Nature miracles are simple stories of what Jesus did and should be accepted as such .
8 There are countless stories about his enthusiasm for trains , from his few moments on the footplate of the Flying Scotsman to David Tweedie 's interview for a job at TMcL largely spent in discussing a mutual interest in the LNER .
9 There are countless stories of famous footballers not having enough money for life after football — Ray Kennedy , Danny Blaniflower …
10 Nor are such stories necessarily false : life may deliberately imitate literature ( cp. p. 268 on Alexander and the Homeric heroes ) , and life may imitate life — Domitian reading Tiberius ' notebooks to get ideas .
11 Well , yeah , but I mean the stories they tell about fishing so they 're different stories
12 Are these stories true , Sir ? ’
13 How good are these stories in verse ?
14 ‘ So many stories — drugs or immigration , for example — are international stories and should be written from a point of comparison , set in their international context .
15 There are sinister stories of donations from dubious sources including Communist China and Azil Nadir .
16 There are terrible stories of what happened , how corruption spread and how power was abused .
17 There are terrible stories of how men have had their eyes torn from their sockets , or their tongue ripped from the roots by the sidh .
18 There are many stories concerning man 's first attempts at making cheese .
19 There are many stories in the Bible about great love between men and women , but the ideal role models in Judaism are considered to be the Patriarchs and Matriarchs : Sarah and Abraham , Isaac and Rebecca , and Jacob and Rachel .
20 There are many stories but we have n't time for that today .
21 ‘ There are many stories about that , ’ he said , glancing at his watch .
22 There are many stories of men who have deliberately sought out and chosen loneliness and contempt and poverty .
23 Marius Steen was often criticized for his healthy disrespect for ‘ Art ’ and there are many stories of this supposed philistinism which he loved to tell against himself ( On first hearing of Michelangelo , he is reputed to have asked ‘ Michael who ? ’
24 There are 33 stories and poems in this compilation .
25 In the lower stages many of the titles are imaginative stories specially written for BOOKWORMS .
26 There are more stories about immigration and the alleged evasion of immigration control than about other aspects of race relations , with the possible exception of the recent riots which the media often interpret as caused by ‘ racial ’ tension .
27 Where previous discussions about the Britishness of British films had been coloured by official concerns about national status , and cinema 's role in boosting American economic might , filmmakers increasingly focused on the possibility that good stories might be British stories .
28 There 'd be some story then .
29 Well there 'll be some stories when we play that one back .
30 A tolerable degree of success resulted from these early attempts at administration on the European continent ; in Ireland , as we know to our cost , it was to be another story .
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