Example sentences of "[conj] keeps they " in BNC.

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1 On January 14th the unlikely figure of Bob Dole , the Senate Republican leader , took time off from the Gulf to call for a statutory commission to find out why women have not broken through the ‘ glass ceiling ’ that keeps them from top management jobs .
2 Ospreys do not nest in the Galloway lochs , although they do ‘ prospect ’ the area regularly : it seems likely that it is the lack of fish that keeps them away .
3 It 's their motion that keeps them apart ?
4 A loaded rifle keeps them in line , but it 's debt that keeps them working .
5 In this situation it is obviously easier to find the fish than understand what the feature is that keeps them coming back to that swim .
6 Perhaps they feel it is a way of getting back at the system that keeps them in the poverty gap .
7 Frequent washing and thorough drying of feet makes them feel comfortable and keeps them healthy .
8 It is the increase in oxygen and the increased BMR that burns off excess calories and keeps them off forever .
9 A mischievous HOBGOBLIN who preys on disobedient children and keeps them away from harm ; hence water bogies frighten children from pools , garden bogies deter them from trampling flower-beds .
10 They either operate through independent organisations or , as is becoming increasingly the case today , are based in a local church , which anchors them , provides a support team , and keeps them in close touch with the need for post-evangelistic care and of the difficulty widely experienced of integrating the convert into the life of the local church .
11 Structured dependence is associated with a particular stage in the capitalist mode of production , and imposed by a paternalistic state through universalist social security provision that both protects older people and keeps them in poverty .
12 By the time they have reached their 40s , many former fatties have found a pattern of eating that suits them and keeps them slim .
13 She polishes them every day and keeps them
14 The toastmaster opens the proceedings and keeps them flowing smoothly .
15 He saves all his coppers and keeps them in his tin .
16 Noah 's faith was in a God Who makes promises and keeps them .
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