Example sentences of "[conj] realised how " in BNC.

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1 Colin Clarke , Martin Kuhl and Alan McLoughlin wasted six scoring chances between them at Highbury , and Mr Smith said : ‘ I 've watched the match video over and over again and realised how many chances we missed .
2 Mrs Wilson looked intently at the figure before her and realised how ridiculous her question was .
3 Jenny 's daddy did n't know how to thank her enough , either , when he came up — especially when he and Miss Clinton went down to the Brownies ' Bridge and saw the swollen river and realised how very brave Jenny had been to cross it .
4 Maxim looked at the clutter of parts in front of him and realised how right he 'd been in saying soldiers hate to throw away guns , even cheap Spanish ones .
5 He thought of Maeve and realised how desperately he missed her .
6 Moreover , Corbett loved this time of the year and realised how much he missed Maeve and the serenity of his own manor house .
7 Everyone was so encouraged , once we 'd done one part and realised how good it looked .
8 Three years ago Mrs Cooper , from Darlington , suffered two miscarriages at 12 and nine weeks and realised how little support was available .
9 Three years ago Mrs Cooper , from Darlington , suffered two miscarriages at 12 and nine weeks and realised how little support was available .
10 Locally-born actress Rhian Morgan said she was delighted to be surrounded by such an ‘ ocean of Welshness ’ at the festival , but realised how empty it would seem after the festival was over .
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