Example sentences of "[conj] badly [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There was also a link through to Archie McIndoe , one of the finest plastic surgeons of his day , who was based at the Queen Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead , where badly burned pilots were sent for treatment .
2 However , the child may have problems in getting about easily without bumping into things , and stairs or badly lit corridors can be hazardous .
3 He could see that the singer was n't especially old or badly dressed under the coat .
4 Thus the education of a king 's son was supposed to include learning to sleep in a hard or badly made bed to prepare him for the rigours of a life of non-stop , and sometimes unexpected , movement .
5 California was struck and sank quickly and by 0825 six o f the battleships were either sunk , sinking or badly damaged .
6 tripping over electric cables or badly placed electric fires ;
7 The symptoms may seem trivial : dirty buildings or badly prepared and unimaginatively-presented food , but Hungary or Czechoslovakia are not inherently poor countries and their peoples are merely insulted by such decay .
8 THE number of people killed or badly injured on England 's roads in 1991 has fallen by almost a third to 47,404 since the early 1980s .
9 It 's only a matter of time before someone is killed or badly injured . ’
10 Do n't wait for it Appleton if you want to save your insipid self from being punctured or badly handled all you can Do for the Better of our ESTEEMED BURMA is GET OUT !
11 It is always sound to add any such volumes to personal collections , for however well or badly done , they will always be a source of inspiration — if only on how to approach certain topics .
12 It has to take powers to intervene in family life and take into care children who are being neglected or badly treated .
13 Their leader Lord Lovat thought their safe return was due to ‘ the opposition being half-hearted or badly trained ’ and not to any skill on the raiders ' part .
14 When the Warboss is killed or badly wounded , the Big'uns who fancy their chances fight each other for the leadership .
15 Many children , some as young as five or six , have been killed or badly wounded , some on their way to or from school and kindergarten .
16 Every ad is a fresh chance to make a blunder which opponents can seize on ; a badly conceived or badly produced advertisement or party political broadcast can alienate voters .
17 Under the reforms the FDA will continue to use its own inspectors to review innovative or badly needed drugs , but will use outside contractors ( from the pharmaceutical industry ) to review more routine products such as antibiotics .
18 Those who place orders will not normally accept any great degree of risk that the supplier will go out of business before the order is delivered , nor will they place large orders with firms whose working capital and liquidity appears unsound or badly managed ; * the placing of Conditions on Potential orders such that suppliers : must conform to specified quality control Procedures such as those specified by the UK quality standard BS 5750 .
19 From the mumbo-jumbo mysteries of the ‘ Bermuda Triangle ’ to the ‘ I-was abducted-by-aliens ’ blitherings , such Danikenesque ideas are a broadside ( albeit badly aimed ) to the principles of science and many of the world 's religions .
20 I crossed a lawn that badly needed cutting , and started on a cautious tour of the Hamilton house .
21 If Mellor can learn from that experience sufficiently to bring some soundly-constructed strategy to the review of the BBC 's charter in 1996 , then Major will have succeeded in the introduction of some long-termism , at least some medium-termism , in two areas that badly need it .
22 Much good publicity has been given to five areas of Britain that badly need it .
23 Both sides spare themselves awkward questions that badly need to be answered .
24 A tax on — smoke or water-polluting production processes , or a higher tax on leaded petrol or a congestion tax on vehicles in city centres , or a duty on heavy lorries that badly damage road foundations , could be justified in these terms .
25 Although badly written and fairly unimaginative , they pass the ‘ wet test ’ in their descriptions of safer sex .
26 Although badly injured with four bullets inside him , PC Kelly had been able to call up the SOS code number , ‘ ten nine , ten nine ’ .
27 One of these had married an Indian Christian doctor , and together they worked for the sick and wounded , although badly handicapped by the lack of medicines .
28 Boxfish ( ostraciontidae ) release a poisonous substance into the aquarium if badly handled or attacked by other fish sufficient to kill all fish in the same aquarium and itself .
29 It is a laborious process , likely to lead to embarrassing blunders if badly done .
30 A preliminary clipping usually takes place during the course of the knotting , when the weaver cuts the pile yarn to an approximate length after he or she has completed a few rows , but the final clipping is a highly skilled job , which , if badly done , can ruin months of work .
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